Ryan Andrijich - Australian chef and fromagiere.
Thank you for including me in your list! Well done on your site.
Frans Bakker - Dutch singer of popgroup Kadanz
Hi, ik ben uiteraard zeer vereerd om op je site te prijken. (Hi, I'm am ofcourse very much honoured to be on your site.)
Patrick Boothe - American singer/songwriter.
Rob....You Rock!!! What a great website!
Anja de Crom - Dutch writer and journalist.
Gaaf dat ik op je website sta. En nog wel op dezelfde pagina als Margaret Cho, Noel Coward en Louis Couperus. Ik ben vereerd! (Great to be on your website. And even on the same page as Margaret Cho, Noel Coward and Louis Couperus. I am honoured!)
Donald D'Haene - Canadian writer, actor and public speaker.
I think your web site is fantastic....as a gay man who is a writer, author, editor, actor - thought I'd throw my name into the ring - under D
Harm Edens - Dutch TV-presenter and more
Wat een leuk abc waar ik ineens langssurfte... grappig om er zelf in voor te komen.
(What a nice A-Z that I came along surfing...funny to see I'm part of it)
Ramy Eletreby - American actor
Thank you for adding me to your website.
Gerard van Emmerik - Dutch writer
Complimenten voor je uitgebreide site; voel me gevleid dat je me hebt opgenomen bij de lijst met (on)bekende gays. (My compliments for your extensive site; I feel flattered to be included in the list of well-known gays)
Blair Mastbaum and Scott Coffey - American writer (Mastbaum) and actor/director (Coffey)
Yes, of course you can include us in your list. We'd be honored.
Robert Patrick - American playwright
Wonderful Site!!!! I want to be on it!
Dylan Rice - American singer
I found your listing of me on your "gayinfo" website. I'm totally honored to be included! Thank you so much.
Bob Smith - American comedian and writer
Your site is great! I'm honored to be among so many terrific people.
Al Start - British singer/songwriter
How cool is your website!!! Thanks for adding me, I'm honoured! ...and proud!
Ronnie Tober - Dutch singer
Just wanted to say we enjoyed your site! GREAT!!!! Wishing you well. Jan and Ronnie Tober
Luzma Umpierre - American writer
I am honored that you want to include me. My profound appreciation. Luzma
Doric Wilson - American writer
Very impressive!
Working Girls - Dutch Transvestite duo
Wat een leuke site heb je gemaakt! (What a nice site you've made!)