Larry Paciotti
(8 November 1959)
American porn director, who works under the name Chi Chi LaRue. Larry David Paciotti was raised in Minnesota.
Amerikaanse pornoregisseur, die werkt onder de naam Chi Chi LaRue. Larry David Paciotti is opgegroeid in Minnesota.
Films (a selection) Lady & The Champ (1991), Coming From Behind (2004), Bolt
Documentary about him: Sex Becomes Her (UK, 2000)
Larry Paciotti
Brian Paddick
(24 April 1958)
British Liberal Democrat candidate for the London Mayoral election in 2008. He was born as Brian Leonard Paddick in Balham, London. He studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at The Queen's College, Oxford and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick and also Policing and Applied Criminology at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. From 1983 and 1988 Paddick was married to Mary Stone. In 2007 he resigned as Assistent Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.
Britse Liberaal-Democratische kandidaat voor de verkiezing tot Burgemeester in Londen in 2008. Hij is geboren als Brian Leonard Paddick in Balham, Londen. Hij heeft Filosofie, Politiek en Economie gestudeerd aan The Queen's College, Oxford en Master of Business Administration (MBA) aan Warwick Business School van de University of Warwick en ook Beleid en Toegepaste Criminologie aan Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. Van 1983 tot 1988 was Paddick getrouwd met Mary Stone. In 2007 nam hij zijn ontslag als assistent commissaris van de Metropolitan Police.
Brian Paddick
Guy Padgett III
(20 August 1977)
American former mayor of Caspar, Wyoming. He was born in Pennsylvania.
Amerikaanse voormalige burgemeester van Caspar, Wyoming. Hij werd geboren in Pennsylvania.
Guy Padgett
Stephen C. Padilla
American mayor of Chula Vista, California. He was elected in november 2002. Steve Padilla studied at Bonita Vista High School, Southwestern College and National University. He has a daughter, Ashley.
Amerikaanse burgemeester van Chula Vista, Californië. Hij werd in november 2002 gekozen. Steve Padilla heeft gestudeerd aan Bonita Vista High School, Southwestern College en National University. Hij heeft een dochter, Ashley.
Stephen Padilla
Barry Paf
(11 June 1979)
Dutch Radio-DJ for Radio 538, born in Haaksbergen.
Nederlandse Radio-DJ bij Radio 538, geboren in Haaksbergen.
Radio: Greatest hits, Barrycade, Op de valreep, Barry Paf, Barry's Sundate (2006-)
Barry Paf
D.J. Pagan
Dutch DJ and TV-host, whose real name is Paul Leidsman.
Nederlandse DJ en TV-presentator, wiens echte naam Paul Leidsman is.
TV: Hakkuuhh! (TMF)
Ellen Page
(21 February 1987)
Canadian actress, born in Halifax, Nova Scotia as Ellen Philpotts-Page.
Canadese actrice, geboren in Halifax, Nove Scotia als Ellen Philpotts-Page.
Films: Marion Bridge (2002), Touch & Go (2003), Love That Boy (2003), Wilby Wonderful (2004), Hard Candy (2005), Mouth To Mouth (2005), X-Men: The Last Stand (2006), An American Crime (2007), Juno (2007), The Tracey Fragments (2007), The Stone Angel (2007), Smart People (2008), Vanishing Of The Bees (2009), Whip It (2009), Peacock (2010), Inception (2010), Super (2010), To Rome With Love (2012), The East (2013), Touchy Feely (2013), X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
Ellen Page
Camille Paglia
(2 April 1947)
American writer, born in Endicott, New York as Camille Anna Paglia. She studied till 1968 at Harpur College of the State University of New York at Binghamton and earned a Ph.D. in English from Yale University in 1974.
Amerikaanse schrijfster, geboren in Endicott, New York, als Camille Anna Paglia. Ze studeerde tot 1968 aan het Harpur College van de State University of New York in Binghamton en ontving een Ph.D. in Engels aan Yale University in 1974.
Books: Sexual Personae (1990), Sex, Art, and American Culture (1992), Vamps and Tramps: New Essays (1994), Break, Blow, Burn: Camille Paglia Reads Forty-three of the World's Best Poems (2005)
Camille Paglia
Peter Paige
(20 June 1969)
American actor, theatre director and playwright, born in West Hartford, Connecticut. He studied at the Boston University's School of Theatre arts.
Amerikaans akteur, theaterregisseur en toneelschrijver, geboren in West Hartford, Connecticut. Hij heeft gestudeerd aan de School of Theatre Arts van de Boston University.
TV: Queer as folk USA(2000, as Emmett Honeycutt), Our America (2002)
Films: Joyriders (1999), Pop (1999), The four of us (2001), Childstar (2004), Say Uncle (2005)
Theatre: Secret agents, Twisted, Pantophobia, High Concepts, Tartuffe, Les Deux Precieuses, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Rivals, Blue Window, You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown, Say Uncle (2004, directing)
Peter Paige
David Paisley
(2 February 1979)
British actor, born in Falkirk, Scotland.
Britse akteur, geboren in Falkirk, Schotland.
TV: Tinsel Town (2000), Holby City (2001-2002), Casualty (2003)
David Paisley
Monica Palacios
American writer, performer, playwright and teacher.
Amerikaanse schrijfster, performer, toneelschrijfster en docente.
Theatre: My Body and Other Parts, Besame Mucho, Greetings From A Queer Senorita, Latin Lezbo Comic, Queer soul
Monica Palacios
Ron Palillo
(2 April 1949 - 14 August 2012)
American actor and artist, born as Ronald Gabriel Palillo in Cheshire, Connecticut. As an artist, he provided the art for two children's books.
Amerikaans akteur en kunstenaar, geboren als Ronald Gabriel Palillo in Cheshire, Connecticut. Als kunstenaar verzorgde hij de illustraties in twee kinderboeken.
TV: Welcome Back, Kotter (1975-1979), Greatest Heroes of the Bible (1979), Laverne & Shirley in the Army (1981), Darkwing Duck (1991), Style Court (2003)
Films: Skatetown, U.S.A. (1979), Surf II (1984), Jason Lives: Friday The 13th Part VI (1986), Wind (1992), Trees 2: The Root of All Evil (2004), The Guardians (2010)
Books: The Red Wings Of Christmas, A Gift For The Contessa
Ron Palillo
Dave Pallone
(5 October 1951)
American baseball umpire, diversity trainer for corporations and colleges and a
motivational speaker. He was born in Waltham, Massachusetts.
Amerikaanse baseball scheidsrechter, diversity trainer voor bedrijven en hogere
beroepsscholen en hij houdt motiverende spreekbeurten. Hij is geboren in Waltham, Massachusetts.
Autobiography: Behind the mask: My double life in baseball (1990)
Dave Pallone
Ronald Jason Palmieri
(5 February 1950)
American politician and in 2003 Democratic candidate for governor of California. He was born in New York City, New York.
Amerikaanse politicus die in 2003 kandidaat was namens de Democraten voor gouverneur van Californië. Hij is geboren in New York City, New York.
Ronald Jason Palmieri
Franklin Pangborn
(23 January 1893 - 20 July 1958)
American actor, born in Newark, New Jersey.
Amerikaanse akteur, geboren in Newark, New Jersey.
Films: International house (1933), My man Godfrey (1936), Easy living (1937),
Stage door (1937), A girl, a guy, a gob (1941), George Washington slept here (1942), The
great moment (1944), Hail the conquering hero (1944), Romance on the high seas (1948), My
dream is yours (1949)
Franklin Pangborn
Sjors van der Panne
(28 April 1979)
Dutch singer, born in Voorschoten.
Nederlandse zanger, geboren in Voorschoten.
Albums: Klassiekers in Het Concertgebouw (2015)
TV: The Voice of Holland (2014)
Sjors van der Panne
Chuck Panozzo
(20 September 1948)
American bassist former of rock band Styx, born as Charles Salvatore Panozzo in Chicago.
Amerikaanse voormalige bassist van rockband Styx, geboren als Charles Salvatore Panozzo in Chicago.
Autobiography: The Grand Illusion: Love, Lies, and My Life With Styx (2007)
Chuck Panozzo
Pansy Division
American all-gay Rock band, which started in 1991. The band members are guitarist/singer Jon Ginoli, bassist/singer Chris Freeman, drummer Luis and guitarist Patrick Goodwin.
Amerikaanse Rock band, die geheel uit homo's bestaat en die gestart is in 1991. De leden van de band zijn guitarist/zanger Jon Ginoli, bassist/zanger Chris Freeman, drummer Luis en guitarist Patrick Goodwin.
Albums: Undressed (1993), Deflowered (1994), Pileup (1995), Wish I'd taken pictures (1996), More lovin' from our oven (1997), Absurd pop song romance (1998)
Pansy Division
Sergei Paradjanov (also written as Parajanov)
(9 January 1924 - 21 July 1990)
Russian / Armenian film maker, born as Sarkis Parajanian in Tiflis (now: Tblisi) in Georgia. In 1956 he married Svetlana Ivanovna Sherbatiuk and in 1958 their son Suren was born. In 1973 he was sentenced for five years for a.o. his homosexuality.
Russische / Armeense film maker, geboren als Sarkis Parajanian in Tiflis (nu: Tblisi) in Georgië. In 1956 trouwde hij Svetlana Ivanovna Sherbatiuk en in 1958 werd hun zoon Suren geboren. In 1973 werd hij vijf jaar gevangen gezet, o.a. vanwege zijn homoseksualiteit.
Films: Shadows of forgotten ancestors (1964), Sayat Nova (1969), Legend of Suram Fortress (1984), Ashik Kerib (1988), Confession (1990)
Sergei Paradjanov
Drew Paralic
American Jazz musician and composer.
Amerikaanse Jazz musicus en componist.
Albums: Too Little Too Late (2001), Blue Passion (2003)
Drew Paralic
Bob Paris
(14 December 1959)
American former mr. USA, mr. Universe (1983), actor, writer and gay activist, born in Columbus, Indiana as Robert Clark Paris.
Amerikaanse voormalige mr. USA, , mr. Universe, akteur, schrijver en homo-activist, geboren in Columbus, Indiana, als Robert Clark Paris.
Books: Generation Queer: a gay man's quest for hope, love and justice, Natural
Fitness, Duo, Flawless: The ten-week total-image method for transforming your physique, Gorilla suit:
my adventures in bodybuilding (1997), Prime: The complete guide to being fit, looking good, feeling great (2002)
Theatre: Jubilee (1998, as Mowgli)
Bob Paris
Piet Paris
(7 February 1962)
Dutch fashion illustrator. He was born in The Hague as Pieter 't Hoen. Paris completed his study at the Polytechnic for the Arts in Arnhem in 1988. In 2008 he won the most important fashion prize in the Netherlands: the Grand Seigneur. Paris is married to Marc Kwakman.
Nederlandse mode-illustrator. Hij is geboren in Den Haag als Pieter 't Hoen. Paris studeerde in 1988 af aan de Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Arnhem. In 2008 won hij de Grand Seigneur, Nederlands belangrijkste modeprijs. Paris is getrouwd met Marc Kwakman.
Book:Piet Paris Fashion Illustrations (2010)
Piet Paris
Annise Parker
(17 May 1956)
American politician, who became Mayor of Houston in 2009. She was born in Houston, Texas.
Amerikaanse politica, die in 2009 burgemeester van Houston werd. Ze is geboren in Houston, Texas.
Annise Parker
Alex Parks
(26 July 1984)
British singer, born in Mount Hawke, Cornwall, as Alexandra Rebecca Parks. She won the 2003 Fame Academy at the BBC.
Britse zangeres, geboren in Mount Hawke, Cornwall, als Alexandra Rebecca Parks. In 2003 won ze Fame Academy bij de BBC.
Hits: Maybe That's What It Takes
Album: Introduction (2003), Honesty (2005)
Alex Parks
Gina Parody
(13 November 1973)
Colombian politician and Minister of Education, born as Gina María Parody d'Echeona in Bogota.
Colombiaanse politicus en Minister van Onderwijs, geboren als Gina María Parody d'Echeona in Bogota.
Gina Parody
Matthew Parris
(7 Augustus 1949)
British writer, journalist, radio and television presenter and former Conservative politician, born in Johannesburg, South Africa. He studied at Clare College, Cambridge, and Yale University. Parris is a keen marathon runner.
Britse schrijver, journalist, radio- en TV-presentator en voormalig conservatief politicus, geboren in Johannesburg, Zuid-Afrika. Hij heeft gestudeerd aan Clare College, Cambridge en Yale University. Parris loopt regelmatig marathons.
Books: So Far, So Good (1991), Scorn (1994), A Castle in Spain (2005)
TV: Weekend World (ITV, 1986-1988), Have I Got News For You
Radio: Great Lives (BBC)
Matthew Parris
Evalyn Parry
Canadian poet, singer, songwriter and playwright, born in Victoria, British Columbia.
Canadese dichteres, zangeres, liedjesschrijfster en toneelschrijfster, geboren in Victoria, British Columbia.
Albums: Things that should be warnings (2001), Unreasonable (2003)
Plays: Clean Irene and Dirty Maxine
Evalyn Parry
Jim Parsons
(24 March 1973)
American actor, born as James Joseph Parsons in Houston, Texas.
Amerikaans akteur, geboren als James Joseph Parsons in Houston, Texas.
TV: Judging Amy (2004-2005), The Big Bang Theory (2007-)
Films: Garden State (2004), The King's Inn (2005), The Great New Wonderful (2005), Heights (2005), 10 Items Or Less (2006), School For Scoundrels (2006), On The Road With Judas (2007), Gardener Of Eden (2007), The Big Year (2011), The Muppets (2011)
Theatre: Threepenny Opera (1998), The Castle (2002), Tartuffe (2002), The Normal Heart (2011), Harvey (2012)
Jim Parsons
John Partridge
(24 July 1971)
British actor, singer and dancer, born in Radcliffe, Lancashire. He lives in London with his partner, actor Jon Tsouras.
Britse akteur, zanger en danser, geboren in Radcliffe, Lancashire. Hij woont in Londen met zijn partner, de akteur Jon Tsouras.
Theatre: Cats, Starlight Express, Aladdin, Hunting Of The Snark, Tommy, Grease, The Fix, Rent, Notre Dame de Paris, Black Goes With Everything, Taboo, Miss Saigon (2005), The Drowsy Chaperone, Cinderella (2011)
TV: A Kind of Loving (1982), Game On, Eastenders (2008-), The Weakest Link, Over The Rainbow (2010)
John Partridge
Pier Paolo Pasolini
(5 March 1922 - 2 November 1975)
Italian film director, poet, screenwriter, actor, painter and novelist, born in Bologna. Pasolini was murdered in Ostia.
Italiaanse film regisseur, dichter, scriptschrijver, akteur, schilder en romanschrijver, geboren in Bologna. Pasolini is in Ostia vermoord.
Films (actor): Il Gobbo (1960), Requiescant (1966)
Films (director): Accattone (1961), Mamma Roma (1962), La Rabbia (1963), Il Padre Selvaggio (1965), Le Streghe / The witches (1966), Edipo Re / Oedipus Rex (1967), Teorama (1968), Amore e rabbia (1969), Medea (1970), Il Decameron (1970), I racconti di Canterbury / The Canterbury Tales (1971), Il fiore delle mille e una notta / Flower of the Arabian Nights (1974), Salo o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975)
Books: Il sogno di una cosa / Van een ding dromen (1962 / 2006
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Lluis Pasqual
(5 June 1951)
Spanish theatre director, born in Reus, Catalonia. He studied at the School of Dramatic Art and has been working as theater director since 1968. In 1976 he founded the Lliure Theatre in Barcelona. In 1983 he became director of the Maria Guerrero National Theatre Centre in Madrid. From 1990 to 1996 he was director of Odeon Theatre de L'Europe in Paris, France.
Spaanse theater regisseur, geboren in Reus, Catalonië. Hij studeerde aan de School of Dramatic Art en werkt sinds 1968 als theaterregisseur. In 1976 richtte hij het Lliure Theater in Barcelona op. In 1983 werd hij regisseur van het Maria Guerrero National Theatre Centre in Madrid. Van 1990 tot 1996 was hij regisseur van het Odeon Theatre de L'Europe in Parijs.
Theatre: Roberto Zucco, Ratto dal Serraglio
Lluis Pasqual
George Passmore
(8 January 1942)
British artist, born in Plymouth, Devon. He met his partner Gilbert Proesch (together they work under the name of 'Gilbert and George') in 1967 at Central St. Martin's School of Art.
Britse kunstenaar, geboren in Plymouth, Devon. Hij ontmoette zijn partner Gilbert Proesch, met wie hij samenwerkt onder de naam 'Gilbert and George', in 1967 aan de Central St. Martin's School of Art.
Raffaella Paton
(1 June 1983)
Dutch bisexual singer, born in Amsterdam. Paton has a daughter, Beautifull Hope, born on August 24, 2006.
Nederlandse biseksuele zangeres, geboren in Amsterdam. Paton heeft dochter die Beautifull Hope heet en is geboren op 24 augustus 2006.
Hits: Right Here, Right Now (2006)
Album: Raffaella (2006)
TV: Popstars-The Rivals (2004), Idols (2005-2006), The Voice of Holland (2010)
Raffaella Paton
Tam Paton
(5 August 1938 - 8 April 2009)
British manager (1968-1979) of the teenybopperband The Bay City Rollers, born in Prestonpans as Thomas Dougal Paton. In 1982 he was sentenced to three years jail for a series of sexual liaisons with teenage boys.
Britse manager (1968-1979) van de teenybopperband De Bay City Rollers, geboren in Prestonpans als Thomas Dougal Paton. In 1982 werd hij veroordeeld tot 3 jaar gevangenisstraf voor een aantal seksuele verhoudingen met tieners.
Tam Paton
Robert Patrick
(27 September 1937)
American playwright, born as Robert Patrick O'Connor in Kilgore, Texas.
Amerikaanse toneelschrijver, geboren als Robert Patrick O'Connor in Kilgore, Texas.
Books: Temple Slave
Plays: The Haunted host/De Gast, De Gastheer En De Geest (1964), Joyce Dynel, Salvation Army, Fog, Camera Obscura (1969), Pouf Positive, Kennedy's Children, One man, one woman, Play by play, The Golden Circle, Tools not Rules, My Cup Ranneth Over (1976), T-Shirts (1979), Blue is For Boys (1983), The Trial of Socrates, Hello Bob, Untold Decades (1988), Hollywood at Sunset
Robert Patrick
Robert Paul
(11 July 1949)
Dutch stand-up-comedian, singer and voice-imitator, born in Amsterdam.
Nederlands cabaretier, zanger en imitator van stemmen, geboren in Amsterdam.
Hits: Toppers van toen (1979), Het kan vriezen, het kan dooien (1983), Heb ik daar mijn schoenen voor gepoetst (1984), Volgende patiënt (1995)
Theatre: Hadjememaar (1971), Showtime (1975), De Robert Paul One Man Show (1980-1981), De Robert Paul Theatershow (1982-1984), Gekkenwerk (1985), Ruimtevrees (1989), Het trappenhuis (1991-1993), Knetter (1993-1994), Een zonnebloem van goud (1999), Dinnershow 2001 (2001)
TV: Gastvrij (1977, host), Hé, kijk mij nou (1977), De Parodie Parade (1996-1997)
Albums: Music for the millions: Imitaties en liedjes (1980), De Robert Paul One Man Show (1981), Robert Paul (1983)
Commercial: Suzuki Alto (2005)
Robert Paul
Jean-Paul Paula
Dutch model and fashion designer. He was born in Willemstad and he was raised in Lelystad and Almere.
Nederlands model en mode-ontwerper. Hij is geboren in Willemstad en groeide op in Lelystad en Almere.
Jean-Paul Paula
Maartje Paumen
(19 September 1985)
Dutch professional Hockey player, born in Geleen.
Nederlandse professionele hockeyspeelster, geboren in Geleen.
Maartje Paumen
Pierre Pauquet
French screenwriter.
Franse scriptschrijver.
TV: Les Merisiers (1992), Julie, Bientot 12 ans et demi (1993), Voyage en Pologne (1994), Coeur de pere (1995), La Dame Du Cirque (1996), Ni vue ni connue (1997), Villa vanille (1998), Juste une question d'amour (2000), L'Instit (1998-2002)
Eva Pauwels
Belgian model. She was married to comedian Jacques Vermeire from 1996 to 2001, with who she had two children, daughter Julie and son Maxime. On June 15, 2007 she married Christel Devos, but they divorced in 2008.
Belgisch fotomodel. Ze was van 1996 tot 2001 getrouwd met komiek Jacques Vermeire, met wie ze twee kinderen heeft, dochter Julie en zoon Maxime. Op 15 juni 2007 trouwde ze met Christel Devos, maar de twee gaan scheiden weer in 2008.
Eva Pauwels
Salam Pax
Iraqi mystery writer on the internet. He identified himself as an architect who was trained in Europe.
Irakeese mysterieuze schrijver op het internet. Hij heeft zichzelf beschreven als een architect die getraind is in Europa.
Graham Payn
(25 April 1918 - 4 November 2005)
British actor and singer, born in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. He moved to England in 1929. Payn had a relationship with actor and playwright Noël Coward from 1945 to Coward's death in 1973. He died in Switzerland.
Britse akteur en zanger, geboren in Pietermaritzburg, Zuid Afrika. In 1929 verhuisde hij naar Engeland. Payn had van 1945 tot Coward's dood in 1973 een relatie met akteur en toneelschrijver Noël Coward. Hij is in Zwitserland overleden.
Theatre: Words and music, Sitting pretty, Up and doing (1940), Fine and Dandy, Magic Carpet, The Lilac Domino (1944), Alice in Wonderland, Sigh no more (1945), Pacific 1860 (1946), Tonight at 8:30 (1948, Broadway), The Lyric and Globe Revue (1951), After the ball (1954), Brouhaha, And Suddenly It's Spring, Waiting In The Wings (1960)
Films: Boys in Brown (1949), The Astonished Heart (1949), Jigsaw (1962), The Italian Job (1969)
Autobiography: My Life with Noel Coward (1994, with Barry Day)
Graham Payn
Danny Payne
British singer and member of openly gay boy band 2wothird3.
Britse zanger en lid van de openlijk homoseksuele boyband 2wothird3.
Hits: Hear me calling (1994), Ease the pressure (1994), I want the world (1994), I want to be alone (1994)
Canadian bisexual singer, born in Toronto as Merrill Nisker.
Canadese biseksuele zangeres, geboren in Toronto as Merrill Nisker.
Albums: The teaches of Peaches (2000), Fatherfucker (2003)
Douglas Pearce
(27 April 1956)
British musician, record label owner, photographer and actor, born in Woking, Surrey. Pearce began his musical career in a British punk band called Crisis in 1977. He now workes under the name Death in June.
Britse musicus, eigenaar van een platenlabel, fotograaf en akteur, geboren in Woking, Surrey. Hij werkt nu onder de naam Death in June.
Douglas Pearce
Peter Pears
(22 June 1910 - 3 April 1986)
British classical singer, born in Farnham. He studied at the Royal College of Music. Pears had a relationship with composer Benjamin Britten. He died in Aldeburgh.
Britse klassieke zanger, geboren in Farnham. Hij heeft gestudeerd aan het Royal College of Music. Pears had een relatie met componist Benjamin Britten. Hij is in Aldeburgh overleden.
Britten and Pears (right)
Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio
(13 March 1959)
Italian bisexual agriculture minister, attorney and member of the Green Party. He
was born in Salerno.
Italiaanse biseksuele minister van Landbouw, advocaat en lid van de Groenen. Hij
is geboren in Salerno.
Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio
Ruud van der Peijl
(15 November 1960)
Dutch stylist, fashion designer and photographer, born in The Hague. He studied at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht.
Nederlandse stylist, mode-ontwerper en fotograaf, geboren in Den Haag. Hij studeerde aan de Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht.
Ruud van der Peijl
Kimberly Peirce
(8 September 1967)
American director and former model. Her full name is Kimberly Ann Peirce. She studied English and Japanese literature at the University of Chicago and film at Columbia University. Peirce has worked in Japan as an English teacher.
Amerikaanse regisseusse en voormalig fotomodel. Haar volledige naam is Kimberly Ann Peirce. Ze heeft Engelse en Japanse literatuur gestudeerd aan de Universiteit van Chicago en film aan Colombia University. Peirce heeft als docente Engels in Japan gewerkt.
Film: The Last Good Breath (1994), Boys don't cry (1999)
Kimberly Peirce
Carole Péon
(4 November 1978)
French triathlete, born in Nice.
Franse triatlonatlete, geboren in Nice.
Carole Péon
Louis Pepe
American film director, screenwriter and actor, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His partner is director Keith Fulton.
Amerikaanse filmregisseur, scriptschrijver en akteur, geboren in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Zijn partner is regisseur Keith Fulton.
Films: Moments of Doubt (1999), Lost in La Mancha (2002), The Ghosts of Edendale (2003, actor), Brothers of the Head (2005)
Louis Pepe
Guillermo Pérez Villalta
(12 May 1948)
Spanish painter and sculptor, born in Tarifa.
Spaanse schilder en beeldhouwer, geboren in Tarifa.
Guillermo Pérez Villalta
Anthony Perkins
(4 April 1932 - 12 September 1992)
American actor and singer, born in New York, New York. He had his greatest success with his role as Norman Bates in Alfred Hitchcock's 'Psycho'. Perkins had always tried to keep his homosexuality a secret.
Amerikaans akteur en zanger, geboren in New York, New York. Hij had zijn grootste succes met zijn rol van Norman Bates in Alfred Hitchcock's 'Psycho'. Perkins heeft altijd geprobeerd zijn homo-zijn geheim te houden.
TV: First, You Cry (1978), Les Miserables (1978), The Sins of Dorian Gray (1983), For the Term of His Natural Life (1983), The Glory Boys (1984), Napoleon and Josephine: A Love Story (1987), Chillers (1990), Daughter of Darkness (1990), I'm Dangerous Tonight (1990), Ghost Writer (1990), Psycho IV: The Beginning (1990), In the deep woods (1992)
Films: The Actress (1953), Friendly Persuasion (1956), Fear Strikes Out (1957), The Lonely Man (1957), The Tin Star (1957), Desire Under the Elms (1958), This Angry Age (1958), The Matchmaker (1958), Green Mansions (1959), On the Beach (1959), Tall Story (1960), Psycho (1960), Goodbye Again (1961), Phaedra (1962), Le Proces (1962), Le couteau dans la plaie (1963), Le Glaive et la balance (1963), Une ravissante idiote (1964), The Fool Killer (1965), Paris brule-t-il? (1966), Le Scandale (1967), Pretty Poison (1968), Catch-22 (1970), WUSA (1970), La Decade prodigieuse, La (1971), Quelqu'un derriere la porte (1971), Play It As It Lays (1972), The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972), Lovin' Molly (1974), Murder in the Orient Expres (1974), Mahogany (1975), Remember My Name (1978), Winter Kills (1979), Twee vrouwen (1979), The Black Hole (1979), Double Negative (1980), North Sea Hijack (1980), Psycho II (1983), Psycho III (1986), Destroyer (1988), Edge of Sanity (1989), Der Mann nebenan (1991), Los Gusanos no llevan bufanda (1992)
Album: The Prettiest Girl in School
Anthony Perkins
Linda Perry
(15 April 1965)
American singer, became famous as the singer of '4 Non Blondes', who
had a hit with "What's up'. Later she started a solo career. She was born in
Springfield, Massachusets.
Amerikaanse zangeres, werd bekend als de zangeres van '4 Non Blondes',
die een hit hadden met "What's up". Later is ze solo gegaan. Ze is geboren in
Springfield, Massachusets.
Hits: What's up (1993), Spaceman (1993)
Album (solo): In flight (1996)
Linda Perry
Wolfgang Petersen
(14 March 1941)
German director, screenwriter and producer, born in Emden. He studied theatre e in Berlin and Hamburg and attented the Film and Television Academy in Berlin.
Duitse regisseur, scriptschrijver en producer, geboren in Emden. Hij studeerde theaterwetenschappen in Berlijn en Hamburg en doorliep de Film en Televisie Akademie in Berlijn.
TV: Tatort (several episodes, 1971-1976)
Films: Die Konsequenz (1977), Einer von uns Beiden (1978), Das Boot (1981), The neverending story (1984), Enemy mine (1985), Outbreak (1995), Air Force One (1997)
Wolfgang Petersen
Sarah Pettit
(1966 - 22 January 2003)
American journalist, magazine editor and co-founder (1992) of 'Out Magazine'. She was born in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and raised in Paris, London and Bad Homburg (Germany). In 1988 shgraduated from Yale University. In 1999 she became arts and entertainment editor for Newsweek Magazine. Pettit died of lymphoma.
Amerikaanse journaliste, redacteur en mede-oprichter (1992) van 'Out Magazine'. Ze is geboren in Amsterdam en groeide op in Parijs, Londen en Bad Homburg (Duitsland). In 1988 studeerde ze af aan Yale University. In 1999 werd ze redacteur voor kunst en entertainment bij Newsweek magazine. Pettit overleed aan lymfklierkanker.
Sarah Pettit
Peter Pex
Dutch polician in the Europarlement, born in Zutphen as Peter L.M.(?) Pex. From 1970 till 1984 he was member of the city council in Rotterdam.
Nederlandse politicus voor het CDA in het Europarlement, geboren in Zutphen als Peter L.M.(?) Pex. Van 1970 tot 1984 was hij lid van de gemeenteraad in Rotterdam.
Peter Pex
Roger Peyrefitte
(17 August 1907 - 5 November 2000)
French writer and diplomat, born in Castres. He died in Paris.
Franse schrijver en diplomaat, geboren in Castres. Hij overleed in Parijs.
Books: Les Amitiés particulieres (1944), Les Amours singuliéres (1949), Les ambassades (1951), La Fin des ambassades (1953), Du Vésuve a Etna (1953), Les Clefs de Saint-Pierre (1955), Jeunes Proies (1956), Les Chevaliers de Malte (1957), L'Exilé de Capri (1959), Les Fils de la lumiere (1961), La Nature du Prince (1963), Les Juifs (1965), Notre Amour (1967), Les Américains (1968), Des Français (1970), La Muse garçonniere (1973), Propos Secrets (1977), L'Enfant de Coeur (1978), Roy (1979), La Soutane Rouge (1983), Voltaire et Fredédéric II (1992)
Roger Peyrefitte
Ohm Phanphiroj
Thai art and fashion photographer, born in Bangkok. He works in New York City and Bangkok.
Thaise kunst- en mode-fotograaf, geboren in Bangkok. Hij werkt in New York City en Bangkok.
Books: Love (1990), Rough Stuff (2004), Rare Views (2006), Night Hawks (2007), Visions (2007), Night Visions (2008)
Ohm Phanphiroj
Hermes Phettberg
(5 October 1952)
Austrian comic, born in Hollabrum. His real name is Josef Fenz.
Oostenrijkse komiek, geboren in Hollabrum. Zijn echte naam is Josef Fenz.
Hermes Phettberg
American singer and songwriter, whose full name is Phideaux Xavier. He was a member of bands like Sally Dick & Jane, Neck Tie Party, The SunMachine and Satryicon.
Amerikaanse zanger en liedjesschrijver, wiens volledige naam Phideaux Xavier is. Hij was lid van bands als Sally Dick & Jane, Neck Tie Party, The SunMachine en Satryicon.
Albums: Friction, Fiendish (2004), GhostStory
Katherine Philips
(1 January 1631 - 22 June 1664)
British poet, born in London as Katherine Fowler. At the age if 16 she was married to James Philips, a man of 54. They had two children, Hector and Katherine. Hector only lived for 40 days. Katherine herself died of smallpox.
Britse dichteres, geboren in Londen als Katherine Fowler. Op zestienjarige leeftijd trouwde ze met James Philips, een man van 54. Ze kregen twee kinderen, Hector en Katherine. Hector heeft slechts 40 dagen geleefd. Katherine zelf overleed aan pokken.
Katherine Philips
Joe Phillips
American cartoonist, born in Atlanta. Phillips has worked for DC Comics and Innovation Comics.
Amerikaanse striptekenaar, geboren in Atlanta. Phillips heeft gewerkt voor DC Comics en Innovation Comics.
Works Boys will be boys 2003 calender, Rage (2002)
(28 August 1957)
American singer, who was born as Susan Gottlieb in Los Angeles.
Amerikaanse zangeres, die geboren is als Susan Gottlieb in Los Angeles.
Albums: Folksinger (1985), I enjoy being a girl (1989), Positively Phranc (1991), Goofyfoot (1995), Milkman (1998)
Felice Picano
(22 February 1944)
American writer and founder of Sea Horse Press, one of the first gay publishing houses, born in New York City, New York. From 1964 to 1966 he worked as a social worker.
Amerikaanse schrijver en oprichter van Sea Horse Press, een van de eerste homoseksuele uitgevers, geboren in New York City, New York. Hij werkte van 1964 tot 1966 als maatschappelijk werker.
Books: Smart as the Devil (1975), Eyes as well (1976), The Lure (1979), One Way Out (1980), Late in the Season (1981), Absolute Ebony (1981), House of Cards (1984), Ambidextrous: The Secret Lives of Children (1985), One O'Clock Jump (1986), Men Who Loved Me: A Memoir in the Form of a Novel (1989), Spices of the World (1989), The New Joy of Gay Sex (1992, with Dr. Charles Silverstein), Dryland's End (1995), Like People in History (1996), A House on the Ocean, A House on the Bay: A Memoir (1997), Looking Glass Lives (1998), The New York Years, (2000), The book of lies (2000), Onyx (2001)
Felice Picano
Sven Pichal
Belgian Radio- and TV-maker, born in Wilrijk.
Belgische Radio- en TV-maker, geboren in Wilrijk.
Radio: Uit De Kast, Levende Lijven, De Nieuwe Wereld, Camping Casablanca, Wilde Geruchten, Naast De Kwestie (2006), Dienst Amusement (2007), Fris en Co (2007), Peeters & Pichal (2007-2012)
TV: Wie Wordt Multimiljonair (2000), Aan Tafel (2004)
Sven Pichal
David Pichler
(3 September 1968)
American diver, who was born in Butler, Pennsylvania. Pichler has been diving since 1983.
Amerikaanse schoonspringer, die geboren is in Butler, Pennsylvania. Pichler is
begonnen met schoonspringen in 1983.
In action
David Pichler
David Hyde Pierce
(3 April 1959)
American actor, born in Saratoga Springs, New York. He studied at Yale University. Pierce is best known for his role as Dr. Niles Crane on the TV series Frasier.
Amerikaans akteur, geboren in Saratoga Springs, New York. Hij heeft aan Yale University gestudeerd. Pierce is het meest bekend door zijn rol als Dr. Niles Crane in de TV-serie Frasier.
TV: The Powers That Be (1992-1993), Frasier (1993-2004), The Amazing Screw-On Head (2006, voice)
Films: The Appointments of Dennis Jennings (1988), Bright Lights, Big City (1988), Crossing Delancey (1988), Rocket Gibraltar (1988), Vampire's Kiss (1989), Across Five Aprils (1990), Little Man Tate (1991), The Fisher King (1991), Addams Family Values (1993), Sleepless in Seattle (1993), Wolf (1994), Ripple (1995), Nixon (1995), A Bug's Life (1998, voice), The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human (1999, voice), Isn't She Great (2000), Chain of Fools (2000), The Tangerine Bear (2000, voice), Osmosis Jones (2001, voice), Laud Weiner (2001), Full Frontal (2002), Treasure Planet (2002, voice), Down with Love (2003)
Theatre: Spamalot (2005), Curtains (2006/2007)
David Hyde Pierce
Pierre et Gilles
See Pierre Commoy and Gilles Blanchard.
Zie Pierre Commoy en Gilles Blanchard.
Hans Pilgaard
(2 August 1963)
Danish journalist and TV-host.
Deense journalist en TV-presentator.
TV: Venner For Livet (2001-2002), Go' Aften Danmark (2002-2007)
Film: Spraengfarlig Bombe (2006)
Hans Pilgaard
Daniel Pinard
Canadian food-show host with Tele-Quebec.
Canadese kook-show presentator bij Tele-Quebec.
Daniel Pinard
Etai Pinkas
Israelian politician and member of the Tel Aviv City Council.
Israelische politicus en lid van de Gemeenteraad van Tel Aviv.
Etai Pinkas
Doug Pinnick
(3 September 1950)
American bass player and singer of metal band King's X, born in Braidwood, Illinois.
Amerikaanse bassist en zanger van de metalband King's X, geboren in Braidwood, Illinois.
Albums: (with King's X:)Out of the Silent Planet, Gretchen Goes to Nebraska, Faith, Hope, Love, King's X, Dogman, Ear Candy, Tape Head, Please Come Home... Mr. Bulbous, Manic Moonlight, Black Like Sunday, Ogre Tones
Doug Pinnick
Danny Pintauro
(6 January 1976)
American actor. Pintauro played Jonathan Bower, son of Angela Bower in
the series 'Who's the Boss' from 1984 till 1992. He was born as Daniel
John Pintauro in Milltown, New Yersey, USA. Pintauro studied English and drama at Stanfort University and graduated in 2001.
Amerikaanse akteur. Hij speelde in de serie "De baas in huis' van 1984
tot 1992 de rol van Jonathan Bower, de zoon van 'the boss' Angela. Hij werd geboren als Daniel John Pintauro in Milltown, New Yersey, USA. Pintauro heeft Engels en drama gestudeerd aan Stanford University en studeerde in 2001 af.
TV: As The World Turns (1979-1984), Who's The Boss (1984-1992)
Films: Cujo (1983), The Beniker Gang (1985), Timestalkers (1986)
Theatre: Hot 'n' Throbbing (1999), Gross Indecency (1999), The Velocity of Gary (Not His Real Name) (1999-2000), A queer carol (2002), Shear Madness (2004)
Danny Pintauro
Amy Pivar
American dancer, choreographer and yoga teacher.
Amerikaanse danser, choreograaf en yoga docente.
Peter Plate
(1 July 1967)
German singer, born in New Delhi, India. Together with AnNa R. he's popgroup
Duitse zanger, geboren in New Delhi, India. Samen met AnNa R. vormt hij de
popgroep Rosenstolz.
Albums: (Rosentolz:) Soubrette werd' ich nie (1992), Nur einmal noch (1993),
Mittwoch is' er fällig (1994), Objekt der Begierde (1996), Raritäten (1997),
Die Schlampen sind müde (1997), Alles gute (1998), Zucker (1999), Suckerschlampen:
live (1999), Raritäten 2 (1999), Kassengift (2000)
Peter Plate
August Graf von Platen
(24 October 1796 - 5 December 1835)
German poet and playwright, born in Ansbach as Karl August Georg Maximilian Graf von Platen-Hallermünde. He died in Syrakus.
Duitse dichter en toneelschrijver, geboren in Ansbach als Karl August Georg Maximilian Graf von Platen-Hallermünde. Hij overleed in Syrakus.
Plays: Der Schatz des Rhampsinit (1825), Die verhändnißvolle Gabel (1826), Der romantische Oedipus (1829), Die Liga von Cambrai (1833)
August Graf von Platen
(428-347 b.C.)
Greek philosopher, born in Athens.
Griekse filosoof, geboren in Athene.
Jean du Plessis
(27 June 1945)
South African Clinical Psychologist and writer, born in Uitenhage.
Zuid-Afrikaanse Klinisch Psycholoog en schrijver, geboren in Uitenhage.
Books: Oor gay wees (1999)
Jean du Plessis
Jack Plotnick
(30 October 1968)
American actor, born in Columbus, Ohio as Jack Stuart Plotnick.
Amerikaanse akteur, geboren in Columbus, Ohio, als Jack Stuart Plotnick.
TV: Ellen (1997-1998), Lovespring International (2006)
Films: Who's the Caboose? (1997), Gods and Monsters (1998), Chairman of the Board (1998), Ground Control (1998), Mystery Men (1999), Forever Fabulous (1999), Say it isn't so (2001), Down with Love (2003), Taco Bender (2003), Meet the Fockers (2004), Adam & Steve (2005), Stay (2006), Sleeping Dogs Lie (2006)
Jack Plotnick
Robert Ploughman
The first Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer to come out and stay serving.
De eerste politieagent van de Royal Canadian Mounted Police die voor zijn homo-zijn uitkwam en ook in dienst bleef.
Robert Ploughman
Cees van der Pluijm
(12 January 1954)
Dutch playwright, columnist, writer and teacher, born in Kootwijk Radio as Cornelis Leonardus van der Pluijm.
Nederlandse toneelschrijver, columnist, schrijver en docent, geboren in Kootwijk Radio als Cornelis Leonardus van der Pluijm.
Books: Het Laatste Jaar: De Brieven Van 2006 (2008, with Robert Long)
Cees van der Pluijm
Jo de Poorter
(27 August 1966)
Belgian actor, singer, Radio and TV host and columnist, who also worked for the Dutch TV. He was born in Gent.
Belgische akteur, zanger, TV- en radiopresentator en columnist, die ook voor de Nederlandse TV gewerkt heeft. Hij is in Gent geboren.
TV: Dinges (NCRV), Het idee (NCRV), EK-Krypto (SBS6), Zomerkampioen
(RTL-4), Soundmixshow (VRT), Liefde op het eerste gezicht (VRT), Bingovision (VRT), Sponsorbingo (RTL-4), De Rode Loper (VRT, 2001), De tekstbaronnen (2003), De rechtvaardige rechters (2003), De Tien (2004), Kopspijkers (2004)
Theatre: Jesus Christ Superstar (1985)
Radio: Pluche Palace (Radio 2, België), De Tekstbaronnen (2001)
Book: Een huis voor alle seizoenen (2002), Geluk van Leven
Jo de Poorter
Carole Pope
(6 August 1950)
Canadian singer and songwriter, born in Manchester, England. She grew up in Scarborough, Ontario and is the sister of Emmy Award-winning television producer and screenwriter Elaine Pope.
Canadese zangeres en liedjeschrijfster, geboren in Manchester, Engeland. Ze groeide op in Scarborough, Ontario en is de zus van TV-producer, scriptschrijfster en Emmy Award-winnaar Elaine Pope.
Albums: Transcend (2004)
Autobiography: Anti-Diva (2000)
Theatre: The Vagina Monologues (2001)
Carole Pope
Billy Porter
American singer and writer.
Amerikaanse zanger en schrijver.
Album: At the Corner of Broadway + Soul
Billy Porter
Cole Porter
(9 June 1893 - 15 October 1964)
American composer, who wrote evergreens like 'Love for sale' and 'I get a kick out of you'. He was born in Peru, Indiana. He composed his first song when he was 10 years old. On december 19, 1919 he married Linda Lee Thomas. One of his male lovers was John Vernou Bouvier III, father of Jackie Bouvier/Kennedy/Onassis. He died in Hollywood. In 1990 pop-artists recorded the album 'Red, hot & Blue' with Cole Porter songs. The musical 'You're the top' tells the story of his life.
Amerikaans componist, die evergreens schreef als 'Love for sale' en 'I get a kick out of you'. Hij is geboren in Peru, Indiana. Hij schreef zijn eerste liedje toen hij tien jaar oud was. Op 19 december 1919 trouwde hij met Linda Lee Thomas. Een van zijn mannelijke partners was John Vernou Bouvier III, de vader de Jackie Bouvier/Kennedy/Onassis. Hij overleed in Hollywood. In 1990 namen popartiesten de CD 'Red, Hot & Blue' op met songs van Cole Porter. Willem Nijholt en Gerrie van der Klei hebben de hoofdrollen in de Nederlandse versie van de musical over zijn leven gespeeld: 'You're the top'.
Some famous songs: Let's do it, let's fall in love (1928), You do something to me (1929), Love for sale (1930), Miss Otis regrets (1934), I get a kick out of you (1934), Begin the beguine (1935), Everytime we say goodbye (1944), Too darn hot (1948)
Theatre: See America First (1916), Paris (1928), Fifty Million Frenchmen (1929), The New Yorkers, Gay Divorce (1932), Anything Goes (1934), Jubilee, Red Hot And Blue, Dubarry Was A Lady, Kiss me kate (1948), Can-can (1953), Silk Stockings (1954)
Films: Paree, Paree (1934), Panama Hattie (1942), The Pirate (1948), Anything goes (1956), High Society (1956), Silk Stockings (1957), Can-can (1960)
Biographical Films: Night and day (1946, with Cary Grant), De-Lovely (2005, with Kevin Kline)
Cole Porter
Sieb Posthuma
(26 June 1960 - 3 August 2014)
Dutch illustrator, writer and theater designer, born in Rotterdam as Sybrand Suardus Nicolaas Posthuma.
Nederlands illustrator, schrijver en theatervormgever, geboren in Rotterdam als Sybrand Suardus Nicolaas Posthuma.
Books: Mr Finney en de wereld op zijn kop (2009), Mr. Finney en de andere kant van het Water (2011), Een Vijver Vol Inkt (2011), Calder (2012), De Familie Lazuriet (2014), Rintje Rent Het Hardst (2014)
Sieb Posthuma
Jan Postulart
(13 November 1960)
Dutch dancer, dance teacher and judge in the Dutch 2005 version of "Dancing with the stars". He was born in Rotterdam. Postulart is owner of Dancesportstudio Porceletti in Harderwijk.
Nederlandse danser, dansleraar en jurylid in de Nederlandse versie van "Dancing with the stars". Hij is geboren in Rotterdam. Postulart is eigenaar van Danssportstudio Porceletti in Harderwijk.
Alexandra Potvin
(20 March 1966)
Belgian TV- and radiopresenter, who was born in Antwerp as Alexandra Hilde-Ronalde Potvin.
Belgische TV- en radiopresentatrice, die geboren is in Antwerpen als Alexandra Hilde-Ronalde Potvin.
TV: Hitkracht
Alexandra Potvin
Alan Poul
American (executive)film and TV producer.
Amerikaanse (leidinggevend) film- en TV-producer.
TV: The Pacific Century (1990), Rock the vote (1992), More tales of the city (1998), Further tales of the city (2001), Six feet under
Films: Black rain (1989), Candyman (1992), Witch hunt (1994), Jenipopo (1995), 'Til there was you (1997), Thursday (1998), Woman on top (2000)
Theatre: I could go on lip-synching
Francis Poulenc
(7 January 1899 - 30 January 1963)
French composer, born in Paris.
Franse componist, geboren in Parijs.
Ballets: Les biches (1923), Aubade (1929)
Opera's: Les Mamelles de Tirésias (1944), Dialogues of the Carmelites (1955), La voix humane (1958)
Francis Poulenc
Paula Poundstone
(29 December 1959)
American comedian, columnist and actress, born in Sudbury, Massachusetts.
Amerikaanse comedienne, columniste en actrice, geboren in Sudbury, Massachusetts.
TV: The Paula Poundstone show (1993)
Paula Poundstone
John Powell
(6 September 1882 - 15 August 1963)
American astronomer, composer and pianist, born in Richmond, Virginia. He studied piano and composition in Vienna and made his debut as a pianist in Berlin.
Amerikaanse sterrenkundige, componist en pianist, geboren in Richmond, Virginia. Hij studeerde piano en compositie in Wenen en maakte zijn debuut als pianist in Berlijn.
Works: Rhapsodie negre (1919), The Babe of Bethlehem (1934), Virginia Symphony (1951)
Tyrone Power
(5 May 1913 - 15 November 1958)
Bisexual American actor, born in Cincinnati, Ohio as Tyrone Edmund Power. Power has been married three times, to Annabella (real name: Suzanne Charpentier), to Linda Christian and to Deborah Minardus.
Biseksuele Amerikaans akteur, geboren in Cincinnati, Ohio als Tyrone Edmund Power. Power is drie keer getrouwd geweest, met Annabella (echte naam: Suzanne Charpentier), met Linda Christian en met Deborah Minardus.
Biography: The drama of a bisexual in the spotlight
Films: The black rose (1950), The Eddy Duchin story (1956), The rising of
the moon (1957), The sun also rises (1957), Witness for the prosecution (1957)
Theatre: Low and behold (1933), Romeo and Juliet (1935), Saint Joan (1936), Liliom (1941), Mister Roberts (1950), John Brown's body (1950), The dark is light enough (1954/1955), A quiet place (1955), Back to Methuselah (1955), The devil's disciple (1956)
Tyrone Power
Susan Powter
(12 December 1957)
American fitness and diet guru and actress, born in Sydney, Australia. She has been married to a man and has three sons.
Amerikaanse fitness- en dieetguru en actrice, geboren in Sydney, Australië. Ze is met een man getrouwd geweest en heeft drie zonen.
Books: Stop the insanity (1994), Pocket Powter (1994), Food (1995), C'mon America, Let's Eat! (1996), Sober and staying that way, The Politics of Stupid (2003)
TV: The Susan Powter show (1994)
Video: Trailer Park Yoga
Susan Powter
Rosa von Praunheim
(25 November 1942)
German filmdirector, born in Riga, Latvia, as Holger Bernhard Bruno Mischwitsky.
Duitse filmregisseur, geboren in Riga, Letland, als Holger Bernhard Bruno Mischwitsky.
Films: It's not the homosexual who is perverse, but the situation in which
he is forced to live (1971), Army of lovers, or Revolt of the perverts (1979), City of
lost souls (1983), A virus knows no morals (1986), Silence is death (1990), Positive
(1990), Life is a cucumber (1990), I am my own woman (1992), I'm in love with a tattooed
cock (1997), Gay courage: 100 years of the gay movement in Germany and beyond (1998),
Can I be your Bratwurst, please (1999), Der Einstein des Sex (1999), Pfui Rosa! (2002), Dein Herz in meinem Hirn (2005), Meine Mütter - Spurensuche in Riga (2007)
Theatre: Live stage performance: 55 years of perversity
Rosa von Praunheim and me at the Rotterdam Film Festival 2000
Benno Premsela
(4 May 1920 - 23 March 1997)
Dutch designer and gay activist, born in Amsterdam. He studied Interior Design at the Nieuwe Kunstschool in Amsterdam from 1937 to 1941. Being Jewish, Premsela and his brother Boet both went underground during World War II, but their parents and their sister Elly were killed in a Nazi camp. From 1962 to 1971 Premsela was chairman of the COC (Dutch organisation for the emancipation of gay people).
Nederlandse ontwerper en verdediger van de rechten van homoseksuelen, geboren in Amsterdam. Hij studeerde van 1937 tot 1941 interieurdesign aan de Nieuwe Kunstschool in Amsterdam. Omdat ze Joods waren zijn Premsela en zijn broer Boet ongedoken tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog, maar hun ouders en hun zus Elly kwamen in een kamp om. Van 1962 tot 1971 was Premsela voorzitter van het COC.
Biography: Benno Premsela (1920-1997)-Voorvechter van Homo-Emancipatie (2008, by Bert Boelaars), Een Relatie Met Ruimte - Het Huis van Benno Premsela (2008 by Erik Beenker and Friso Broeksma)
Benno Premsela
John Preston
(11 December 1945 - 28 April 1994)
American writer and editor, born in Medfield, Massachusetts. He died of Aids complications.
Amerikaanse schrijver en redacteur, geboren in Medfield, Massachusetts. Hij is overleden aan de gevolgen van Aids.
Books: Mr. Benson, Hustling: a gentleman's guide to the fine art of homosexual prostitution, Flesh and the word: an anthology of erotic writing (editor)
Christopher Price
(21 October 1967 - 22 April 2002)
British Radio and TV presenter. Price was adopted shortly after his birth by a couple in Norfolk. He studied Italian at Reading University, but he wanted to become a journalist and he enrolled into the BBC reporter training scheme in 1991.
Britse radio- en TV-presentator. Price werd kort na zijn geboorte geadopteerd door een stel uit Norfolk. Hij studeerde Italiaans aan Reading University, maar wilde jo journalist worden en gaf zich op voor een opleiding tot verslaggever bij de BBC in 1991.
Radio: Up All Night
TV: BBC News 24, Zero30, Liquid News (2000-2002)
Christopher Price
Kirsten Price
British singer and songwriter.
Britse zangeres en liedjeschrijfster.
Kirsten Price
Victoria Price
(27 April 1962)
American writer for television, born as Mary Victoria Price. She is the daughter of horror actor Vincent Price and she wrote his biography.
Amerikaanse schrijfster voor televisie, geboren als Mary Victoria Price. Ze is de dochter van horror-akteur Vincent Price en heeft zijn biografie geschreven.
Book: Vincent Price: a daughter's biography
Victoria Price
Peter Prijdekker
(22 June 1948)
Dutch swimmer, born in Woerden, the Netherlands, as Peter Cornelis Prijdekker. He was brought up in South Africa and moved back to the Netherlands. He swam for the Dutch National Team at the Munich Olympics in 1972 and moved to Britain in 1977, where he still lives. In 1998 he won 7 medals in the Amsterdam Gay Games. Prijdekker is HIV-positive. His partner Ron died of aids in 1990.
Nederlandse zwemmer, geboren in Woerden als Peter Cornelis Prijdekker. Hij is opgegroeid in Zuid Afrika en verhuisde terug naar Nederland. In 1972 zwom hij voor het Nederlandse Nationale Team op de Olympische spelen in München. In 1977 verhuisde hij naar Engeland waar hij nog steeds woont. Tijdens de 1998 Gay Games in Amsterdam won hij 7 medailles. Prijdekker is HIV-postitief. Zijn partner Ron is in 1990 aan de gevolgen van aids overleden.
Peter Prijdekker
Joël Pringels
Belgian singer, singing under the name Jo Benna.
Belgische zanger, die zingt onder de naam Jo Benna.
Drew Pritt
(20 May 1975)
American politician in Arkansas, born in Greenbrier County, West Virginia.
Amerikaanse politicus in Arkansas, geboren in Greenbrier County, West Virginia.
Drew Pritt
Gilbert Proesch
(17 September 1943)
Italian artist, born in San Martino. In 1967 he met his partner George Passmore, with
whom he workes together under the name 'Gilbert and George', at Central St. Martin's
School of Art.
Italiaanse kunstenaar, geboren in San Martino. In 1967 ontmoette hij zijn partner
George Passmore, met wie hij samen werkt onder de naam 'Gilbert and George', aan de
Central St. Martin's School of Art.
Marcel Proust
(10 July 1871 - 18 November 1922)
French writer, born in Auteuil as Valentin Louis Georges Eugene Marcel Proust. He died in Paris.
Franse schrijver, geboren in Auteuil als Valentin Louis Georges Eugene Marcel Proust. Hij is in Parijs overleden.
Books: Les Plaisirs et les jours / Pleasures and Days (1896), A la recherche du temps perdu/ Op zoek naar de Verloren Tijd(1913-1927), Pastiches et melanges (1919)
Biography: Proust in Love (by William C. Carter), The Memoirs of Ernest A. Forssgren, Proust's Swedish Valet (2006)
Marcel Proust
Barry Purves
(3 July 1955)
British actor, animator, director and writer.
Britse akteur, animator, regisseur en schrijver.
Films (directing): Next (1989), Screen Play (1992), Rigoletto (1993), Achilles (1996), Gilbert and Sullivan: The Very Models (1998)
Commercials: Rice-a-Roni
Barry Purves
George Quaintance
(1903- 9 November 1957)
American artist and photographer, born in Alma near Stanley in Virginia. He is famous for his work for the physique magazines in the 1950's.
Amerikaanse kunstenaar en fotograaf, geboren in Alma dicht bij Stanley in Virginia. Hij is beroemd om zijn werk voor de tijdschriften in de vijftiger jaren van de vorige eeuw die mannenlichamen toonden.
A sample of his work
(10 October 1978)
British rapper, producer, DJ, writer and presenter, born as Marcos Jose Brito in Basildon, Essex.
Britse rapper, producer, DJ, schrijver en presentator, geboren als Marcos Jose Brito in Basildon, Essex.
Album: Moxie (2009)
Sara Quin
(19 September 1980)
Canadian singer, born in Calgary, Alberta. Twin sister to Tegan (see below), with whom she's the popgroup 'Tegan and Sara'.
Canadese zangeres, geboren in Calgary, Alberta. Tweelingzus van Tegan (zie hieronder), met wie ze de popgroep 'Tegan and Sara' vormt.
Albums: Under Feet Like Ours (1999), This business of art (2000), If It Was You (2003), So Jealous (2004), The Con (2007)
Tegan Quin
(19 September 1980)
Canadian singer, born in Calgary, Alberta. Twin sister to Sara (see above), with whom she's the popgroup 'Tegan and Sara'.
Canadese zangeres, geboren in Calgary, Alberta. Tweelingzus van Sara (zie hierboven), met wie ze de popgroep 'Tegan and Sara' vormt.
Albums: Under Feet Like Ours (1999), This Business of Art (2000), If It Was You (2003), So Jealous (2004), The Con (2007)
Jay Quinn
American writer and editor, born in North Carolina.
Amerikaanse schrijver en redacteur, geboren in North Carolina.
Books: The Mentor (2000), Metes and Bounds, Rebel yell (2001, editor), Rebel yell 2 (2002, editor), Back Where He Started (2006), The Good Neighbor (2007), The Beloved Son (2008)
Jay Quinn
Zachary Quinto
(2 June 1977)
American actor, born as Zachary John Quinto in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Amerikaans akteur, geboren als Zachary John Quinto in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
TV: 24 (2003-2004), Heroes (2006-2010), American Horror Story (2011-2012), Hannibal (2015), Girls (2015)
Films: Star Trek: The Future Begins (2009), What's Your Number? (2011), Dog Eat Dog (2012), Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013), Star Trek: Beyond (2016), Who We Are Now (2017)
Zachary Quinto
Jim Quixley
(1931 - 1991)
Canadian librarian and writer.
Canadese bibliotecaris en schrijver.
Book: Willy won't fly (1978)
Jim Quixley