(8 May 1976)
British singer, formerly of popgroup Steps. See his real name : Ian Watkins.
Britse zanger, vroeger bij de popgroep Steps. Zie zijn echte naam: Ian Watkins.
Jacob Israel de Haan
(31 December 1881 - 30 June 1924)
Dutch teacher, writer and journalist, born in Smilde. When his first book was published he lost his job as a teacher. This autobiographic book 'Pijpelijntjes' tells about de Haan's relationship with Arnold Aletrino ("Sam" in the book). Aletrino bought - together with de Haan's fiancee Johanna van Maarseveen - almost all copies of the
first print of the book and destroyed them. On march 28, 1907, de Haan married Johanna B.C.J. van Maarseveen. In 1919 he emigrated to Israel, where he died in 1924 after being shot.
Nederlands leraar, schrijver en journalist, geboren in Smilde. Toen 'Pijpelijntjes' verscheen werd hij ontslagen als leraar. 'Pijpelijntjes' is een autobiografisch boek over zijn verhouding met medicus en criminoloog Arnold Aletrino ("Sam" in het boek). Aletrino kocht samen met Johanna van Maarseveen (de verloofde en
latere echtgenote van de Haan) bijna de hele eerste oplage op en vernietigde de boeken. Op 28 maart 1907 trouwde de Haan met Johanna B.C.J. van Maarseveen. In 1919 emigreerde hij naar Israel, waar hij in 1924 overlijdt na een moordaanslag.
Books: Pijpelijntjes (1904), Kanalje, Pathologieen (1908), In Russische Gevangenissen (1913), Libertijnsche liederen (1914), Het Joodsche lied (1915), Liederen (1917), Een nieuw Carthago (1919), Het Joodsche lied deel 2 (1921), Palestina (1925)
Jacob Israel de Haan
Siep de Haan
Dutch local politician for Opheffen.nu in Amsterdam, teacher and one of the organisators of Amsterdam Pride. He was born as Siebolt de Haan in Wolvega.
Nederlandse lokale politicus voor Opheffen.nu in Amsterdam, leraar en een van de organisatoren van Amsterdam Pride. Hij is geboren als Siebolt de Haan in Wolvega.
Hadrian / Hadrianus
(24 January 76 AD - 10 July 138 AD)
Roman emperor, who was born in Italica, Spain. His full name was Publius Aelius
Hadrianus. In 100 AD he married Sabina. He met his lover Antinioüs of Bithynia in
123 AD. In 130 AD they were sailing down the Nile when Antinioüs drowned.
Romeins keizer, die geboren is in Italica, Spanje. Zijn volledige naam was Publius
Aelius Hadrianus. In 100 AD is hij getrouwd met Sabina. In 123 AD ontmoette hij zijn
minnaar Antinioüs van Bithynia. Antinioüs verdronk toen zij in 130 AD de
Nijl afreisden.
Martin (M.P.H.) van Haeften
Dutch politician for the PvdA, born in Boxtel. He has been married and he and his wife had 5 children. Formerly he was almost 30 years politically active for the GPV (Dutch Reformed Political Union).
Nederlandse politicus voor de PvdA, geboren in Boxtel. Hij is getrouwd geweest en hij en zijn vrouw kregen 5 kinderen. Eerder was hij bijna 30 jaar politiek actief voor het GPV.
Martin van Haeften
Paul Haenen
(30 April 1946)
Dutch comedian, playwright and writer of novels, born in Amsterdam. Also publisher of his own magazine and owner of theatre Betty Asfalt Complex in Amsterdam. At the moment he is screening his diaries at the time of his coming-out for publication. Paul also is the voice of Bert in the Dutch version of Sesame Street.
Nederlands komiek, toneelschrijver en romanschrijver, geboren in Amsterdam. Ook uitgever van zijn eigen tijdschrift en eigenaar van het Betty Asfalt complex in Amsterdam. Presenteert en schrijft ook in de rol van zijn alter ego's dominee Gremdaat, Margreet Dolman. Andere karakters die Haenen regelmatig speelt zijn Emmy Kapoek, Bob Guttering en Buster Fonteijn. Momenteel werkt Haenen aan de uitgave van zijn dagboeken over de periode van zijn coming-out. Haenen is ook de Nederlandse stem van Bert in Sesamstraat.
Theater (own show): Smakelijke Voortzetting, Leren Lachen (2001-2002), Zichtbaar Zonnig (2003-2005)
Theater (playwright): Bemoeizucht, Gekookt ei, Fijne slaapkamergordijnen, Een bijzonder prettig vergezicht, Bocht en bumpers (2000), Vrouwen van Eer (2001), Treinen Kunnen Keren (2004), In Bed Is Het Fijn Toeven (2010)
Radio: Radioweekblad (VARA)
TV: Sesamstraat, Dolman onder de rijken (RTL-4), Haenen voor 11 (Net5), Dolman & Gremdaat (Net5), Gremdaat wijst de weg (2000, Net5), H H Zondag (2001-2002), De Kunst Van Margreet Dolman (2009)
Film: Minoes (2001, voice of 'Mevrouw Pastoor')
Magazine: Mens En Gevoelens
Books: Wacht maar jongen (1985), Dominee Gremdaat wijst de weg, Margreet
Dolman: Dingen die men niet zegt, Dominee Gremdaat: Kent u die uitdrukking
DVD: Tot Nu Toe (2011)
Website: www.bettyasfalt.nl
Paul Haenen
Bianca Hagenbeek
(16 May 1967)
Dutch bisexual participant and winner of the TV-show 'Big Brother 2'. On july 1st 2001 she opened her website for bisexual women.
Nederlandse biseksuele deelneemster aan en winnares van de TV-show 'Big Brother 2'. Op 1 juli 2001 heeft ze haar website voor biseksuele vrouwen geopend.
TV: Big Brother 2, Life & Cooking
Website: www.letsbeopen.com
Bianca Hagenbeek
Leisha Hailey
(11 July 1971)
American actress and singer, born in Okinawa, Japan.
Amerikaanse actrice en zangeres, geboren in Okinawa, Japan.
TV: The L word (2004)
Films: All over me (1997), Some girl (1998), Sleeping Beauties (1999), Size 'Em Up (2001), The Snowflake Crusade (2002)
Commercials: Yoplait Yogurt
Leisha Hailey
William Haines
(1 January 1900 - 26 December 1973)
American actor, born in Staunton, Virginia. Haines was Hollywoods first openly gay star. He died in Santa Monica, California.
Amerikaanse akteur, geboren in Staunton, Virginia. Haines was Hollywoods eerste ster die open was over zijn homoseksualiteit. Hij is in Santa Monica, Californië overleden.
Films: Brothers under the skin (1922), Lost and Found on a South Sea Island (1923), Souls For Sale (1923), Three Wise Fools (1923), Three Weeks (1924), True As Steel (1924), The Midnight Express (1924), The gaiety girl (1924), Wine of youth (1924), Circe, the Enchantress (1924), So this is marriage (1924), The Wife of the Centaur (1924), The tower of lies (1925), A Fool and His Money (1925), Who Cares (1925), The Denial (1925), A Slave of Fashion (1925), Fighting the Flames (1925), Little Annie Rooney (1925), Sally, Irene and Mary (1925), The Thrill Hunter (1926), Memory Lane (1926), Brown of Harvard (1926), Lovey Mary (1926), Tell it to the marines (1926), Mike (1926), A Little Journey (1927), Slide, Kelly, Slide (1927), Spring Fever (1927), The smart set (1928), West Point (1928), Telling the World (1928), Excess Baggage (1928), Show People (1928), Alias Jimmy Valentine (1928), The Duke Steps Out (1929), A Man's Man (1929), Speedway (1929), Navy Blues (1929), The Girl Said No (1930), Free and Easy (1930), Way Out West (1930), Remote Control (1930), A Tailor Made Man (1931), Just a Gigolo (1931), New Adventures of Get Rich Quick Wallingford (1931), Are You Listening? (1932), Fast Life (1932), Young and Beautiful (1934), The Marines Are Coming (1934)
William Haines
Frans Haks
(30 August 1938 - 23 December 2006)
Dutch manager of the Groninger Museum (1978-1995), born in Zeist. He has studied art history in Utrecht and from 1961 till 1965 he was curator for the Archbisschop Museum in the same city.
Nederlandse direkteur van het Groninger Museum (1978-1995), geboren in Zeist. Hij heeft in Utrecht kunstgeschiedenis gestudeerd en van 1961 tot 1965 was hij conversator van het Aartbisschoppelijk Museum in de zelfde stad.
Book: Calculerende terriër. Logboek van het Groninger Museum van 16-1-'86
tot 31-12-'95 (1995), Pissende poes in museumland (2000)
Frans Haks
Robert Halewijn
(2 August 1968)
Dutch singer, born in Amsterdam.
Nederlandse zanger, geboren in Amsterdam.
Singles: Wordt 't ja, wordt 't nee? (1995), Vrij! (2004)
Robert Halewijn
Rob Halford
(25 August 1951)
British heavy metal singer and former member of rock group Judas Priest, born in Birmingham.
Britse heavy metal zanger en voormalig lid van rockgroep Judas Priest, geboren in Birmingham.
Albums (with Judas Priest): Sad Wings of Destiny (1976), Sin After Sin (1977), Stained Class (1978), Hell Bent for Leather (1979), Unleashed in the East (1979), British Steel (1980), Point of Entry (1981), Screaming for Vengeance (1982), Defenders of the Faith (1984), Turbo (1986), Priest Live (1987), Ram it Down (1988), Painkiller (1990)
Albums (solo): Resurrection (2000), Crucible (2003)
Website: www.robhalford.com
Rob Halford
Ara Halici
(16 January 1976)
Dutch singer and actor, born in Amsterdam. From 1998 to 2001 he studied at the Frank Sanders’ Academy for Musical Theatre.
Nederlandse zanger en akteur, geboren in Amsterdam. Van 1998 tot 2001 studeerde hij aan Frank Sanders’ Akademie voor Musicaltheater.
Theatre: Je Bent Goud Waard, Charlie Brown (2001-2002), Peter Pan (2001-2002), Alladin (2002-2003), Assassins (2002-2003), Merrily We Roll Along (2003-2004), Een Perfecte God (2003-2004), Purper: Revue?! (2004-2005), Cabaret (2005-2006), Honk! (2006-2007), The Last Five Years (2007), De Fabeltjeskrant (2007), The Wild Party (2008), Piaf - De Musical, Sjakoo De Musical (2009), Ja Zuster Nee Zuster (2009-2010), Lelies (2011-)
TV: Gebak Van Krul
Ara Halici
Kristen Hall
American singer, born in Grosse Pointe, Michigan.
Amerikaanse zangeres, geboren in Grosse Pointe, Michigan.
Albums: Real life stuff (1990), Fact & Fiction (1992), Be carefull what you wish for....(1994), California made music (1999), Live at Eddie's Attic (2000), August 2000 demos (2001)
Website: www.kristenhall.com
Kristen Hall
Norbert ter Hall
Dutch TV and film director and designer of sets. In 1989 Norbert completed his studies as a graphic designer at the Academy for the Arts in Arnhem, after which he followed a course Studio Directing at the Media Academy in Santbergen.
Nederlandse TV- en filmregisseur en decorontwerper. Norbert is in 1989 afgestudeerd aan de Kunstacademie Arnhem als grafisch ontwerper, waarna hij een cursus regie heeft gevolgd aan de Media Akademie in Santbergen.
Films: Abeltje (1998, advisor), Monte Carlo (2001)
TV: Leporello (1989), Tot 8 van 80 (1990), Fitless, Land in zicht, Wodan, Wet en Waan, Zeeuws meisje (1997), Sesamstraat, Mevrouw de minister (2002), Circus Waltz (2006)
Website: www.norbertterhall.nl
Norbert ter Hall
(23 April 1932 - 26 March 1990)
American fashion designer, born in Des Moines, Iowa, as Roy Halston Frowick. He worked a.o. for Jackie Kennedy, Liza Minelli, Bianca Jagger and Elisabeth Taylor.
Amerikaanse mode-ontwerper, geboren in Des Moines, Iowa, als Roy Halston Frowick. Hij heeft o.a. gewerkt voor Jackie Kennedy, Liza Minelli, Bianca Jagger en Elisabeth Taylor.
Boris van der Ham
(29 August 1973)
Dutch actor and politician, born in Amsterdam. He was raised in Nieuwkoop. Van der Ham completed his study at the Toneelacademie in Maastricht in 1998 and then worked with theatercompanies De Appel, Het Zuidelijk Toneel Hollandia and Theater van het Oosten.
Nederlandse akteur en politicus (D'66), geboren in Amsterdam. Hij is opgegroeid in Nieuwkoop. Van der Ham studeerde af aan de Toneelacademie in Maastricht in 1998 en werkte daarna bij Toneelgroep De Appel, Het Zuidelijke Toneel Hollandia en Theater van het Oosten.
TV: Total Loss (2000), De Enclave (2001)
Theatre: Elckerlyck 2000 (1997), Antigone (1997-1998), Toen Gij naakt en bloot waart (1998), Macbeth (1999), De dood van de koning (1999), Polaroid (2000), Circus Shakespeare (2001)
Website: www.borisvanderham.nl
Boris van der Ham
Aaron Hamburger
American writer, born in Detroit, Michigan. He studied at the University of Michigan and Columbia University.
Amerikaanse schrijver, geboren in Detroit, Michigan. Hij heeft gestudeerd aan de University of Michigan en aan Columbia University.
Books: The View From Stalin's Head (2004), Faith For Beginners (2005)
Website: www.aaronhamburger.com
Wouter Hamel
(19 May 1977)
Dutch Jazz singer, born in The Hague. Hamel studied at the Polytechnic for the Arts in Utrecht. He started his carreer in rock bands. For two years Hamel has sung in the a cappella group Intermezzo, now he has his own group and he sings with the bigband The Young Sinatras.
Nederlandse Jazz zanger, geboren in Den Haag. Hamel studeerde aan de Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Utrecht. Hij begon zijn carriere in rock bands. Hamel zong twee jaar bij de a cappellagroep Intermezzo. Nu heeft zijn eigen groep en zingt hij met de bigband The Young Sinatras.
Album: Hamel (2007), Nobody's Tune (2009), Lohengrin (2011)
DVD: One More Time On The Merry-go-round (2010)
Website: www.wouterhamel.nl
Wouter Hamel
Barbara Hammer
(15 May 1939)
American filmmaker, born in Hollywood, California. She studied psychology at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).
Amerikaanse filmmaakster, geboren in Hollywood, Californië. Ze heeft psychologie gestudeerd aan de Universiteit van Californië in Los Angeles (UCLA).
Films: A Gay Day (1973), Lesbian Erotica, Volume I (1974/1978), Nitrate Kisses (1992), Out in South Africa (1994), The Female Closet (1998), Resisting Paradise (2003), Love Other (2006), A Horse is not a Metaphor (2009), Maya Deren's Sink (2011),
Barbara Hammer
Oscar Hammerstein
(20 February 1954)
Dutch lawyer, born in Rotterdam.
Nederlandse advocaat, geboren in Rotterdam.
TV: Onderweg Naar Morgen (2005)
Mabel Hampton
(2 May 1902 - 26 October 1989)
American dancer and activist, born in Winston Salem, North Carolina. In 1979 she was co-founder of the Lesbian Herstory Archives.
Amerikaanse danseres en activiste, geboren in Winston Salem, North Carolina. In 1979 was ze een van de oprichtsters van het Lesbian Herstory Archives.
Mabel Hampton
Peter Kees Hamstra
Dutch local politician for the VVD in Lelystad and professional soldier.
Nederlandse lokale politicus voor de VVD in Lelystad en beroepsmilitair.
Peter Kees Hamstra
Dirk Hanke
Dutch local politician for the VVD in Amsterdam.
Nederlandse lokale politicus voor de VVD in Amsterdam.
Dirk Hanke
Kathleen Hanna
(12 November 1968)
American singer and guitarist of lesbian rock group Le Tigre. She was born in Portland, Oregon.
Amerikaanse zangeres en guitariste van de lesbsiche rock groep Le Tigre. Ze is geboren in Portland, Oregon.
Albums: Le Tigre (1999), From The Desk of Mr. Lady (2001), Feminist Sweepstakes (2002), This Island (2004)
Website: www.letigreworld.com
Joseph Hansen
(19 July 1923 - 24 November 2004)
American writer, known for his (gay detective) Dave Brandstetter series. He was born
in Aberdeen, South Dakota. In 1943 he married Jane Bancroft, with whom he had a daughter. His daughter underwent a sex change operation and is now living as a man. Hansen also wrote under the names Rose Brock and James Colton.
Amerikaanse schrijver, die bekend was door zijn serie boeken met als hoofdpersoon
de homoseksuele detektive Dave Brandstetter. Hij is geboren in Aberdeen, South Dakota.
In 1943 trouwde hij met Jane Bancroft, met wie hij een dochter kreeg. Zijn dochter onderging een geslachtsveranderering operatie en leeft nu als man. Hansen heeft ook geschreven onder de namen Rose Brock en James Colton.
Books: Fadeout (1972), Death claimes (1973), Troublemaker (1975), The man
everybody was afraid of (1978), Skinflick (1980), A smile in his lifetime (1981), Gravedigger (1982), Backtrack (1982), Job's year (1983), Nightwork (1984), Steps going down (1984), The little dog laughed (1986), Early graves (1987), Obedience (1988), The boy who was buried this morning (1991), A country of old men (1991), Living upstairs (1993), The Jack of hearts (1995), A few doors west of hope (1998), Cutbank Path (2002)
Joseph Hansen
Mark (M.G.J) Harbers
(19 April 1969)
Dutch local politician for the VVD in Rotterdam. In 2007 he became City Councillor for Economics, Harbour and Environment. He was born in Ede and studied Economics at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.
Nederlandse lokale politicus voor de VVD in Rotterdam. In 2007 werd hij Wethouder van Economie, Haven en Milieu. Hij is geboren in Ede en heeft economie gestudeerd aan de Erasmus Universiteit.
Mark Harbers
Kevin Hardy
American songwriter and pianist. Together with his partner Matthew Hermstad he's popband SlowMo Erotic.
Amerikaanse liedjesschrijver en pianist. Samen met zijn partner Matthew Hermstad vormt hij de popband SlowMo Erotic.
Albums: SlowMo Erotic (2006)
Website: www.slowmoerotic.com
Keith Haring
(4 May 1958 - 16 February 1990)
American artist, who was born in Reading, Pennsylvania as Keith Allen Haring. He grew
up in Kutztown and studied at the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts (1976-1978) and the
School of Visual Arts in New York. His first mayor exhibition was in 1982 at Tony
Shafrazi's Gallery in New York. His first exhibition in Europe was in the same year in Gallerie 't Venster in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Haring died in New York of Aids.
Amerikaans kunstenaar, die geboren is in Reading, Penssylvania, als Keith Allen
Haring. Hij is opgegroeid in Kutztown en heeft gestudeerd aan het Pittburgh Center for
the arts (1976-1978) en de School of Visual Arts in New York. Zijn eerste grote
tentoonstelling was in 1982 in de gallerie van Tony Shafrazi in New York. Zijn eerste
tentoonstelling in Europe werd in het zelfde jaar gehouden in Gallerie 't Venster in Rotterdam, Nederland. Haring stierf in New York aan Aids.
Keith Haring
One of Haring's drawings
Paul Harland
(15 April 1960 - 17 June 2003)
Dutch SF writer and photographer, born as Paul Smit. Harland was murdered by his partner, Bosnian architect Tarik Dreca.
Nederlandse SF-schrijver en fotograaf, geboren als Paul Smit. Harland is vermoord door zijn partner, de Bosnische architect Tarik Dreca.
Books: Remote control (1993), Water tot ijs (1994), De werelden van Vince-Crux (2005)
Remko Harms
(5 November 1981)
Dutch singer and actor. He studied at the Fontys Conservatory in Tilburg. In 2010 he became member of popgroup Los Angeles: The Voices.
Nederlandse zanger en akteur. Hij studeerde aan het Fontys Conservatorium in Tilburg, In 2010 werd hij lid van de groep Los Angeles: The Voices.
Theatre: Doornroosje (2003), Jeans 14 (2004-2005), Jeans 15 (2005-2006), Rembrandt - de Musical (2006-2007), Les Miserables (2008-2009), Psalms & Hymns (2009)
TV: Op Zoek Naar Joseph (2008), Nederland Zingt (2009)
Album: Can't Wait (2009)
Remko Harms
Rex Harrington
(30 October 1962)
Canadian ballet and modern dancer, born in Petersborough, Ontario. At the age of 14 he began dance studies in Vancouver and later went to the National Ballet School in Toronto. In 2001 he was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada.
Canadese balletdanser die ook moderne dansen doet, geboren in Petersborough, Ontario. Op 14 jarige leeftijd begon hij zijn dansopleiding in Vancouver en ging later naar de National Ballet School in Toronto. In 2001 werd hij benoemd tot 'Officer of the Order of Canada'.
Rex Harrington
E. Lynn Harris
(20 June 1955 - 23 July 2009)
American writer, born in Flint, Michigan as Everette Lynn Harris. He studied at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville.
Amerikaanse schrijver, geboren in Flint, Michigan als Everette Lynn Harris. Hij studeerde aan de University of Arkansas in Fayetteville.
Website: www.randomhouse.com/features/elynnharris/
Books: Invisible Life (1991), Just As I Am (1994), And This Too Shall Pass (1996), If This World Were Mine (1997), Abide With Me (1999), Not A Day Goes By (2000), Any Way the Wind Blows (2001), A Love of My Own (July 2002), What Becomes of the Broken Hearted (2003), I Say a Little Prayer (2006), Just Too Good To Be True (2008), Basketball Jones (2009), Mama Dearest (2009), In My Father's House (2010)
E. Lynn Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
(15 June 1973)
American actor, director and singer, born in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Amerikaanse akteur, regisseur en zanger, geboren in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Theatre: Rent (1997), Romeo and Juliet (1998), Proof (2001), Cabaret (2003), Sweeney Todd, Assassins (2004), Tick, Tick, Boom (2005, London), All my sons (2006), Amadeus (2006), Company (2011), A Snow White Christmas (2011)
TV: Too Good to Be True (1988), Home Fires Burning (1989), Cold Sassy Tree (1989), Doogie Howser, M.D. (1989-1993), Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1990), Stranger in the Family (1991), Capitol Critters (1992), Murder, She Wrote (1993), A Family Torn Apart (1993), Not Our Son (1995), My Antonia (1995), Stark Raving Mad (1999-2000), The Wedding Dress (2001), How I Met Your Mother (2005-)
Films: Purple People Eater (1988), Clara's Heart (1988), Animal Room (1995), Starship Troopers (1997), The Proposition (1998), The Next Best Thing (2000), The Mesmerist (2002), Undercover Brother (2002), Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004), Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (2008), The Best and the Brightest (2010), Beastly (2011), A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas (2011), The Muppets (2011)
Albums (Cast recordings): Sweeney Todd - Live in Concert (2000), Evening Primrose (2001), Assasins (2004), Wall To Wall: Stephen Sondheim (2006), Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (2008)
Neil Patrick Harris
Sam Harris
(4 June 1961)
American singer, songwriter, actor, theatre producer and director, born in Cushing, Oklahoma as Samuel Kent Harris.
Amerikaanse zanger, liedjesschrijver, akteur, theaterproducer en regisseur, geboren in Cushing, Oklahoma als Samuel Kent Harris.
Albums: Sam Harris (1984), Sam I am (1985), Standard time (1994), Different stages (1994), Revival (1999), Always, On this night, The best of Christmas; Sam Harris Live (2005)
Theatre: Hard copy (1989), Jesus Christ Superstar, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor dreamcoat, Cabaret, Grease (1994), The Life (1997), The Producers
TV: The Class
Website: www.samharris.com
Sam Harris
Jessica Harrison
(27 October 1977)
French triathlete, born in Sheffield, United Kingdom. In 2005, Jessica changed citizenship to French.
Franse triathlon atlete, geboren in Sheffield, Engeland. In 2005 nam ze de Franse nationaliteit aan.
Jessica Harrison
Lou Harrison
(14 May 1917 - 2 February 2003)
American classical composer, born in Portland, Oregon. He grew up in the San Francisco Bay area. He studied music in San Francisco and New York.
Amerikaanse klassiek componist, geboren in Portland, Oregon. Hij groeide op in
de San Francisco Bay Area. Hij studeerde muziek in San Francisco en New York.
CD's: La Koro Sutro (1988), The perilous Chapel, Rapunzel: an Opera in six
acts, plus other works, Rhymes with silver, Solo Keyboards
Lou Harrison
Randy Harrison
(2 November 1977)
American actor, born in New Hampshire. He studied theatre and performing arts at the
University of Cincinnati's Conservatory of Music College.
Amerikaans akteur, geboren in New Hampshire. Hij heeft theater en toneelkunst
gestudeerd aan de Conservatory of Music College van de Universiteit van Cincinnati.
Theatre: 1776, Grease, Anything goes, West Side Story, Deviant (2002), Wicked (2004), Equus (2005), A Midsummer Night's Dream (2006), Amadeus (2006), An Oak Tree (2006), The Glass Menagerie (2007), One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (2007), Mrs. Warren's Profession (2007), Edward the Second (2007/2008), Waiting For Godot (2008), Red (2012)
TV: Queer as Folk (USA, as Justin Taylor)
Films: Bang Bang You're Dead (2002), Thinking... (2008), Lorton Lake (2011)
Randy Harrison
Lorenz Hart
(2 May 1895 - 22 November 1943)
American lyricist to composer Richard Rodgers and playwright, born in New York City as Lorenz Milton Hart. Hart's homosexuality became news just 35 years after his death.
Amerikaanse tekstschrijver van componist Richard Rodgers en toneelschrijver, geboren in New York City als Lorenz Milton Hart. Zijn homoseksualiteit werd pas 35 jaar na zijn dood bekend.
Musicals: Dearest enemy (1925), A Connecticut Yankee (1927), On your toes (1936), Babes in Arms (1936), The boys from Syracuse (1938), Pal Joey (1940)
Songs: My Funny Valentine, Manhattan, The lady is a tramp, Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered (1940)
Lorenz Hart
Jaap Harten
(22 September 1930 - 2 December 2017)
Dutch poet and writer, born as Jacobus Cornelis Harten in Blaricum.
Nederlandse dichter en schrijver, geboren als Jacobus Cornelis Harten in Blaricum.
Books: Studio in daglicht (1954), Een landhuis voor Dante (1956), Langs en over de aarde (1957), Beweging van het jaar (1960), Het spoor van de gele keizer (1962), Operatie Montycoat (1964), Totempaal (1966), De getatoeëerde Lorelei (1968), Garbo en de gebroeders Grimm (1969), Madame Tussaud in Berchtesgaden (1972), De groeten aan Truman Capote (1977), Wat kan een manser betalen? (1977), De pruim van Mae West en de kop van Jut (1979), Plaatselijke tijd (1980), Else Mauhs, de ontvoering van een legende (1984), Wie beweegt er nog in het mausoleum? (1992), Nadruk verboden (1995), Verzameld werk (2011)
Brent Hartinger
American writer, playwright and screenwriter, born in Washington State. His partner is writer Michael Jensen.
Amerikaanse schrijver, toneelschrijver en scriptschrijver, geboren in de staat Washington. Zijn partner is schrijver Michael Jensen.
Books: Geography Club (2003), The Last Chance Texaco, The Order of the Posion Oak, Grand & Humble (2006)
Website: www.brenthartinger.com
Brent Hartinger
Marsden Hartley
(4 January 1877 - 2 September 1943)
American painter, born in Lewiston, Maine, as Edmund Hartley.
Amerikaanse schilder, geboren in Lewiston, Maine, als Edmund Hartley.
One of his works: Madawaska Acadian Light Heavy (1940)
Dan Hartman
(8 December 1950 - 22 March 1994)
American songwriter, singer and producer, born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, as Daniel Earl Hartman. He joined his first band, The Legends, at the age of 13, with his brother, Dave. He later joined the Edgar Winter Group and launched a solo career in 1976. The song 'Relight My Fire' was covered by Take That and Lulu in 1993.
Amerikaanse songwriter, zanger en producer, geboren in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, als Daniel Earl Hartman. op 13-jarige leeftijd sloot hij zich aan bij zijn eerste band, The Legends, samen met zijn broer Dave. Later maakte hij deel uit van de Edgar Winter Group en in 1976 begon hij zijn solocarriere. Zijn song 'Relight My Fire' werd gecoverd door Take That en Lulu in 1993.
Hits: Instant Replay (1978), Relight My Fire (1979), I Can Dream About You (1984), We Are The Young (1985)
Albums: Who is Dan Hartman (1976, promo), Images (1976), Instant Replay (1978), Relight My Fire (1979), It Hurts to Be in Love (1982), Keep The Fire Burnin' (1994), Superhits (2004)
Website: www.danhartman.com
Dan Hartman
Russell Harty
(5 September 1934 - 8 June 1988)
British TV-presenter, born in Blackburn. Harty had a six-year relationship with writer Jamie O'Neill.
Britse TV-presentator, geboren in Blackburn. Harty had zes jaar lang een relatie met schrijver Jamie O'Neill.
TV: The Russell Harty show, Harty goes to Hollywood, Russell Harty's Grand tour
Russell Harty
Jonathan Harvey
(13 June 1968)
British playwright and former teacher, born in Halewood, Liverpool.
Britse toneelschrijver en voormalig leraar, geboren in Halewood, Liverpool.
Plays: The Cherry Blossom Tree (1987), Mohair (1988), Wildfire (1992), Beautiful Thing (1993), Babies (1994), Boom Bang-a-Bang (1995), Rupert Street Lonely Heart Club (1995), Guiding Star (1998), Out in the Open (2001), Taking Charlie (2004), Canary (2010)
TV: Coronation Street (2004-), Gimme, Gimme, Gimme (1999), Beautiful People (2008), Octavia (2009)
Musical: Closer To Heaven (2001, music and lyrics by the Pet Shop Boys)
Jonathan Harvey
Carlos Haselhoef
Dutch local politician for the VVD in Rotterdam. He was born in Rotterdam Hoogvliet.
Nederlandse lokale politicus voor de VVD in Rotterdam. Hij is geboren in Rotterdam Hoogvliet.
Carlos Haselhoef
Ryosuke Hashiguchi
(13 July 1962)
Japanese director and screenwriter, born in Nagasaki. He studied film at the Osaka Arts University.
Japanse regisseur en scriptschrijver, geboren in Nagasaki. Hij studeerde film aan de Osaka Arts Universiteit.
Films: A secret evening (1989), Hatchi no binetsu (A touch of fever) (1993),
Nagisa no shindobaddo (Like grains of sand)(1995), Hush! (2001)
Ryosuke Hashiguchi
Kamoga Hassan
Ugandan documentary maker and president of the Queer Kampala International Film Festival.
Oegandese documentaire-maker en directeur van het Queer Kampala International Film Festival
Films: My Opinion, Outed: The Painful Reality (2016)
Kamoga Hassan
Richard H. Hatch Jr.
(8 April 1961)
American winner of the CBS TV Programm Survivor in 2000, born in Newport, Rhode Island. He won 1 million dollar.
Amerikaanse winnaar van het CBS TV programma Survivor in 2000, geboren in Newport, Rhode Island. Hij heeft met Survivor 1 miljoen dollar gewonnen.
Book: 101 Survival secrets (2000)
Richard Hatch
Sophie B. Hawkins
(1 November 1966)
American bisexual singer, born in New York as Sophie Ballantine Hawkins.
Gigi Gaston has made a documentary about Hawkins: The cream will rise.
Amerikaanse biseksuele zangeres, geboren in New York als Sophie Ballantine
Hawkins. Over Hawkins werd door Gigi Gaston de documentaire 'The cream will rise'
Hits: Damn I wish I was your lover (1992), Right beside you (1995)
Album: Timbre (1999)
Sophie B. Hawkins
Sir Nigel Hawthorne
(5 April 1929 - 26 December 2001)
British actor and director, born as Nigel Barnard Hawthorne in Coventry.
Britse akteur en regisseur, geboren als Nigel Barnard Hawthorne in Coventry.
TV: Holocaust (1978), Edward & Mrs Simpson (1980), Yes, Minister (1980-1992, as Sir Humphrey Appleby), A Woman Called Golda (1982), The Barchester Chronicles (1984), Jenny's War (1985), Mapp & Lucia (1985), Yes, Prime Minister (1986-1988), The Fragile Heart (1996)
Theatre: The shop at Sly Corner (1950), You can't take it with you (1951),
Long day's journey into night, Talking to you (1962), Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
are Dead (1971), Julius Caesar (1972), As You Like It (1974), Privates on Parade (1977),
The Magistrate (1986), Hapgood (1988), Shadowlands (1989, 1990-1992), The Madness of
King George (1992, as King George III)
Film: Sweeney II (1978), The Sailor's Return (1978), Watership Down (1978, voice
of Campion), Memoirs of a Survivor (1981), The Knowledge (1981), History of the World:
Part I (1981), The World Cup: A Captain's Tale (1982), The Plague Dogs (1982), Ghandi
(1982), Firefox (1982), Turtle Diary (1985), The Chain (1985), The Black Cauldron (1985),
King of the Wind (1989), En Håndfull tid (1989), Relatively Speaking (1990), Demolition
Man (1993), The madness of King George (1994), Richard III (1995), Twelfth Night: Or
What You Will (1996), Inside (1996), Murder in Mind (1997), Amistad (1997), At Sachem
Farm (1998), The Object of My Affection (1998), Madeline (1998), A Reasonable Man (1999),
The Clandestine Marriage (1999), The Big Brass Ring (1999), The Winslow Boy (1999),
Tarzan (voice, 1999)
Book: Straight face (2002, biography)
Sir Nigel Hawthorne
Charles Hawtrey
(30 November 1914 - 27 October 1988)
British actor, director and comedian, born as George Frederick Joffre Hartree in Hounslow, Middlesex.
Brits akteur, regisseur en komiek, geboren als George Frederick Joffre Hartree in Hounslow, Middlesex.
Theatre: The Windmill Man (1925), Bluebell In Fairyland, Peter Pan (1931), Bats in the Belfry (1937), The Taming of the Shrew (1939), New Faces (1940), Scoop, Old Chelsea, Merry England, Frou-Frou, Husbands Don’t Count, Carry-On Holiday Show-time, Snow White (1970), Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs (1974)
TV: Tess and Time (1956), Wolfe at the Door (1956), Laughter in Store (1957), The Army Game (1957-1958), Laughter in Store (1957), Our House (1960), Best of Friends (1963), Ghosts of Christmas or Carry On Christmas (1969), Carry On Long John (1970), Stop Exchange (1970), Grasshopper Island (1970s), The Princess and the Pea (1979), The Plank (1979), Runaround (1981), Supergran and the State Visit (1987)
Films: Tell Your Children (1922), This Freedom (1923), Marry Me (1932), The Melody-Maker (1933), Little Stranger (1934), Kiddies On Parade (1935), Well Done, Henry (1936), Cheer Up (1936), Sabotage (1936), Melody and Romance (1937), Good Morning, Boys (1937), Where's That Fire? (1940), Jailbirds (1940), The Ghost of St. Michael's (1941), Let the People Sing (1942), The Goose Steps Out (1942), Much Too Shy (1942), Bell-Bottom George (1944), A Canterbury Tale (1944), Ten Year Plan (1945), Meet Me at Dawn (1947), The End of the River (1947), The Story of Shirley Yorke (1948), The Lost People (1949), Dark Secret (1949), Passport to Pimlico (1949), Room to Let (1950), The Smart Aleck (1951), The Galloping Major (1951), You're Only Young Twice (1952), Hammer the Toff (1952), Brandy for the Parson (1952), To Dorothy a Son (1954), Five Days (1954), Simon and Laura (1955), March Hare (1955), Jumping for Joy (1955), As Long as They're Happy (1955), Man of the Moment (1955), Timeslip (1956), Who Done It? (1956), I Only Arsked! (1958), Carry On Sergeant (1958), Please Turn Over (1959), Carry On Nurse (1959), Carry On Teacher (1959), Inn for Trouble (1960), Carry On Constable (1960), What a Whopper! (1961), Dentist on the Job (1961), Carry On Regardless (1961), Carry On Cabby (1963), Carry On Jack (1963), Carry On Spying (1964), Carry On Cleo (1964), Carry On Cowboy (1965), Carry On Screaming (1966), Don't Lose Your Head (1966), The Terrornauts (1967), Follow That Camel (1967), Carry On Doctor (1967), Carry On... Up the Khyber (1968), Zeta One (1969), Carry On Camping (1969), Carry On Again Doctor (1969), Carry On Loving (1970), Carry On Henry (1970), Carry On Up the Jungle (1970), Carry On at Your Convenience (1971), Carry On Matron (1972), Carry On Abroad (1972)
Charles Hawtrey
Harry Hay
(7 April 1912 - 24 October 2002)
American gay rights activist and actor, born in Worthing, England as Henry Hay jr. When he was 7 his family moved to Los Angeles. While working as an actor he met Will Geer (later: Grandpa Walton in The Waltons), who became his lover. After being advised in 1937 by a psychiatrist to try girls, he married Anita Platky in 1938. They were married untill 1951 and they adopted two daughters. In 1978 Hay formed the Radical Faeries, a movement that rejected "hetero-imitation". He died of lung cancer.
Amerikaanse homorechten-activist en akteur, geboren in Worthing, Engeland als Henry Hay jr. Toen hij 7 jaar oud was verhuisde hij met zijn familie naar Los Angeles. Toen hij als akteur werkte ontmoette hij Will Geer (later: Grandpa Walton in The Waltons) en kreeg een relatie met hem. Toen een psychiater hem in 1937 aanraadde het eens met meisjes te proberen, trouwde hij in 1938 met Anita Platky. Ze bleven getrouwd tot 1951 en ze adopteerden twee dochters. In 1978 richtte Hay 'The Radical Faeries' op, een beweging die "hetero-imitatie afwees. Hij overleed aan longkanker.
Books: The trouble with Harry (1990, by Stuart Timmons), Radically gay: Gay liberation in the words of it's founder (1997, by Harry Hay, editor: Will Roscoe)
Film: Woman against the world (1937), After Stonewall (1999)
Harry Hay
Andrew Hayden-Smith
(5 November 1983)
British actor and TV presenter, born as Andrew John Smith in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear.
Brits akteur en TV-presentator, geboren als Andrew John Smith in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear.
TV: Byker Grove (1995-2003), UK Top 40 (2004-2005), Doctor Who (2006), The Weakest Link (2007)
Theatre: Romeo And Juliet (2008)
Andrew Hayden-Smith
Richard Haydn
(10 March 1905 - 25 April 1985)
British actor, writer and director, born in Camberwell, London. In 1943 he was engaged to Maria Riva, daughter of Marlene Dietrich, for a couple of months. He died in Pacific Palisades, California, USA. Haydn also worked under the names Claud Curdle, Richard Rancyd and Stanley Stayle.
Brits akteur, schrijver en regisseur, geboren in Camberwell, Londen. In 1943 was hij een paar maanden verloofd met Maria Riva, dochter van Marlene Dietrich. Hij overleed in Pacific Palisades, Californië, USA. Haydn werkte ook onder de namen Claud Curdle, Richard Rancyd en Stanley Stayle.
Films (acting): Charley's Aunt (1941), Ball of Fire (1941), Are Husbands Necessary? (1942), Thunder Birds (1942), Forever and a Day (1943), Super-Rabbit (1943, voice), No Time for Love (1943), Who Killed Who? (1943, voice), Tonight and Every Night (1945), And Then There Were None (1945), Adventure (1945), The Green Years (1946), Cluny Brown (1946), The Beginning or the End (1947), The Late George Apley (1947), Singapore (1947), The Foxes of Harrow (1947), Forever Amber (1947), Sitting Pretty (1948), The Emperor Waltz (1948), Miss Tatlock's Millions (1948), Dear Wife (1949), Mr. Music (1950), Alice in Wonderland (1951, the voice of the caterpillar), The Merry Widow (1952), Never Let Me Go (1953), Money from Home (1953), Her Twelve Men (1954), Jupiter's Darling (1955), The Toy Tiger (1956), Twilight for the Gods (1958), Please Don't Eat the Daisies (1960), The Lost World (1960), Five Weeks in a Balloon (1962), Mutiny on the Bounty (1962), The Sound of Music (1965, as Max Detweiler), Clarence, the Cross-Eyed Lion (1965), The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin (1967), Young Frankenstein (1974)
Films (directing): Miss Tatlock's Millions (1948), Dear Wife (1949), Mr. Music (1950)
Books: The journal of Edwin Carp (1954)
Richard Haydn
Bruce Hayes
(8 March 1963)
American Olympic swimmer, who won gold at the Olympics in 1984 in Los Angeles. He was born in Sarasota, Florida, as Lawrence Bruce Hayes. Hayes graduated from Northwestern University's School of Journalism in 1987.
Amerikaanse Olympische zwemmer, die goud won tijdens de Olympische Spelen in
1984 in Los Angeles. Hij werd geboren als Lawrence Bruce Hayes in Sarasota, Florida. Hayes studeerde in 1987 af aan de Northwestern University's School of Journalism.
Bruce Hayes
Darren Hayes
(8 May 1972)
Australian singer and songwriter, born as Darren Stanley Hayes in Brisbane. He studied at Kelvin Grove University. Hayes became famous as the singer of Savage Garden (1994-2001). In 1994 he married Colby Taylor. On June 19, 2006, he married his boyfriend Richard Cullen in London, England.
Australische zanger en liedjesschrijver, geboren als Darren Stanley Hayes in Brisbane. Hij studeerde aan Kelvin Grove University. Hayes werd beroemd als de zanger van Savage Garden (1994-2001). In 1994 trouwde hij met Colby Taylor. Op 19 juni 2006 trouwde hij met zijn vriend Richard Cullen in Londen.
Hits (with Savage Garden): I want you (1996), To the Moon and Back (1996), Truly Madly Deeply (1997)
Albums: Savage Garden (1997), Affirmation (1999), Spin (2002, solo), The Tension and the Spark (2004, solo), The best of Savage Garden (2005)
Website: www.darrenhayes.com
Darren Hayes
Sean Hayes
(26 June 1970)
American actor and comedian, best known for his role as Jack McFarland in the TV comedy Will & Grace. He was born as Sean Patrick Hayes in Chicago, Illinois.
Amerikaans akteur en komiek, die het meest bekend is door zijn rol als Jack McFarland in de TV-komedie Will & Grace.
TV: Will & Grace (1998-2006), Martin And Lewis (2002)
Films: Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss (1998), Cats & Dogs (2001), Pieces of April (2003), The Cat in the Hat (2003), Win a Date With Tad Hamilton! (2004), The Bucket List (2007), Igor (2008)
Theatre: Damn Yankees (2008), Promises, Promises (2010)
Commercials: Doritos
Sean Hayes
Todd Haynes
(2 January 1961)
American director, producer and screenwriter, born in Los Angeles, California. He studied at Brown University.
Amerikaanse regisseur, producer en scriptschrijver, geboren in Los Angeles,
Californië. Hij studeerde aan Brown University.
TV: Dottie gets spanked (1993), Six By Sondheim (2013)
Films: Assassins: A Film Concerning Rimbaud (1985), Superstar: the Karen Carpenter story (1987), Poison (1991), Safe (1995), Office killer (1997), Velvet Goldmine (1998), Far from heaven (2002), Corporate Ghost (2004), I'm Not There (2007), Carol (2015), Wonderstruck (2017)
Todd Haynes