Friso Wiegersma
(14 October 1925 - 5 June 2006)
Dutch lyricist, painter and designer of stagesets and costumes, born in Deurne. As lyricist he also worked under the alias of Hugo Verhage. Wiegersma was partner to stand-up comedian and singer Wim Sonneveld and later partner to singer, actor and lyricist Hans van der Woude. In 2003 and 2004 a show based on his work toured the Netherlands under the name "Telkens weer het dorp". In 2005 Wiegersma received the Gouden Harp (Dutch award) for his work.
Nederlandse tekstschrijver, schilder en decor- en kostuumontwerper, geboren in Deurne. Als tekstschrijver werkte hij ook onder het pseudoniem Hugo Verhage. Wiegersma was de partner van cabaretier/zanger Wim Sonneveld en later de partner van zanger, akteur en tekstschrijver Hans van der Woude. In 2003 en 2004 was er in Nederland een tournee van de show "Telkens weer het dorp", welke gebaseerd was op zijn werk. In 2005 kreeg Wiegersma de Gouden Harp voor zijn hele oeuvre.
Songs (a.o.): Telkens weer (Willeke Alberti), Nikkelen Nelis, Het Dorp, Gerrit, Josefien, Lieveling(all sung by Wim Sonneveld)
Book: Telkens weer het dorp (including 2 CD's, 2000)
Friso Wiegersma
Saskia Wieringa
Dutch antropologist, born in Amsterdam.
Nederlandse antropologe, geboren in Amsterdam.
Books: The Politicization of Gender Relations in Indonesia (1995),
Uw Toegenegen Dora D. (reisbrieven), Female Desires (1999), Sexual Politics in Indonesia (2002), Het Krokodillengat (2008)
Saskia Wieringa
Frank Wijdenbosch
Dutch actor, who was born in Zanderij, near Paramaribo, in Surinam. He came to the Netherlands in 1973. In 1975 he started performing in drag as Fatzy Smit.
Nederlandse akteur, die geboren is in Zanderij, vlakbij Paramaribo, in Suriname. Hij is in 1973 naar Nederland gekomen. In 1975 begon hij in travestie op te treden als Fatzy Smit.
Theatre: Behalve Eetbaar Zijn Knikkers Ook Vergiftigd (1983), Mensen uit mijn straat (2000), Kniertjes Knie, Blakka Lola (2002), Jaap En Shirley (2003-2004), De Negers (2004), Ondro Makandra (2005-2006), Ik Wil Een Jurk! (2007)
TV: Jan Willem Goes Bijlmer, Fatzy & Co (VPRO)
Films: Jezus Is Een Palestijn (1999)
Edwin van Wijk
South African actor and singer.
Zuid-Afrikaans akteur en zanger.
Musical: Hair, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Evita
TV: Below the belt
Edwin van Wijk as The Baroness in 'Below the belt'
Joop Wijn
(20 May 1969)
Dutch Christian politician and former member of the Dutch Lower House, born in Haarlem as Joannes Gerardus Wijn. He has studied Economics (1987-1991) and Dutch Law (1991-1994) at the University of Amsterdam. In july 2002 he was appointed State Secretary of Economic Affairs.
Nederlands CDA-politicus en voormalig Tweede Kamerlid, geboren in Haarlem als Joannes Gerardus Wijn. Hij heeft Economie (1987-1991) en Nederlands Recht gestudeerd aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. In juli 2002 werd hij benoemd als staatssecretaris voor Economische Zaken.
Joop Wijn
Daan Wijnands
(12 March 1970)
Dutch actor, singer and choreographer. He studied at the Amsterdam Polytechnic for the Arts. In 2000 he won the Dutch John Kraaykamp Musical Award for best newcomer.
Nederlandse acteur, zanger en choreograaf. Hij heeft gestudeerd aan de Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten. In 2000 heeft hij de John Kraaykamp Musical Award gekregen voor beste nieuw talent.
Theatre: West Side Story (1996-1998, as Riff), Anatevka (as Sacha), Chicago
(Utrecht, as Harry and as Martin Harrison), Chicago (London, 2002), Crazy For You (2004-2005), Songs From The Heart (2008), Sunset Boulevard (2008, choreography), High School Musical (2009), Urinetown (2009)
TV: Kees & Co, Au, Oppassen, Goudkust (1999), Westenwind (1999), Gooise Vrouwen (2007)
Daan Wijnands
Maurice Wijnen
(3 May 1970)
Dutch TV and theatre maker, born in Sittard.
Nederlandse televisie- en theatermaker, geboren in Sittard.
Theatre (writing): Diana, The Dancing Queens, Tango de Valentino
TV (judge): So You Wanna Be A Popstar, Popstars (2008-2010), Move Like Michael Jackson (2010)
Maurice Wijnen
René Wijsterhoff-Dijkinga
Dutch local politician for the VVD in Zuidhorn.
Nederlandse lokale politicus voor de VVD in Zuidhorn.
Will Wikle
(15 December 1978)
American nurse and contestant in the US version of Big Brother 5, born in Tupelo, Mississipi. He was host of MTV's Round Trip Ticket.
Amerikaanse verpleger en deelnemer aan de Amerikaanse versie van Big Brother 5, geboren in Tupelo, Mississipi. Hij was de presentator van MTV's Round Trip Ticket.
Radio: Twist
TV: Big Brother 5, Round Trip Ticket, Real Gay, Battle of the Network Reality Stars
Will Wikle
Chris de Wild Propitius
Dutch local politican for the PvdA in Amsterdam.
Nederlandse lokale politicus voor de PvdA in Amsterdam.
Chris de Wild Propitius
Oscar Wilde
(16 October 1854 - 30 November 1900)
Irish writer and playwright, born as Oscar Fingal O'Flaherty Wills Wilde. On May 29, 1884, Oscar married Constance Lloyd. They had two sons: Cyril in 1885 and Vyvyan in 1886. In the summer of 1891, Oscar met Lord Alfred 'Bosie' Douglas, the third son of the Marquis of Queensberry, and they became lovers. In April 1895, Oscar sued Bosie's father for libel as the Marquis had accused him of homosexuality. Oscar withdrew his case but was himself arrested and convicted of gross indecency and sentenced to two years hard labor.
In the film 'Wilde' Oscar Wilde was played by Stephen Fry.
Ierse roman- en toneelschrijver. Zijn volledige naam is Oscar Fingal O'Flaherty
Wills Wilde. Op 28 mei 1884 trouwde Oscar met Constance Lloyd. Ze kregen twee zonen: Cyril in 1885 en Vyvyan in 1886. In de zomer van 1891 ontmoette Oscar Lord Alfred 'Bosie' Douglas, de derde zoon van de Markies van Queensberry, en ze werden verliefd. In april 1895 spande Oscar een rechtzaak aan tegen de vader van Bosie wegens laster toen de Markies hem beschuldigde van homoseksualiteit. Oscar trok de aanklacht in maar werd zelf gearresteerd en veroordeeld voor grove onfatsoenlijkheid en opgesloten met twee jaar dwangarbeid.
Stephen Fry speelde de rol van Oscar Wilde in de film 'Wilde'.
Books: The Happy Prince And Other Tales (1888), The picture of Dorian Gray (1891), The House Of Pomegranates (1892)
Plays: Lady Windermere's Fan (1892), A Woman Of No Importance (1893), An Ideal Husband (1895), The importance of being Earnest (1895)
Oscar Wilde
Anne Will
(18 March 1966)
German journalist and TV presenter, born in Cologne. She studied at Universität Köln and at the Freien Universität Berlin.
Duitse journaliste en TV presentatrice, geboren in Keulen. Ze heeft gestudeerd aan de Universität Köln en aan de Freien Universität Berlin.
TV: Mal Ehrlich, Sportpalast, Parlazzo, Sportschau, Tagesthemen (ARD, 2001-2007), Anne Will (2007-)
Anne Will
King Willem (William) II
(6 December 1792 - 17 March 1849)
King of the Netherlands from 1840 to 1849. He was born in The Hague as Willem Frederik George Lodewijk, prince of Oranje-Nassau, as son of the King Willem (William) I and Wilhelmina van Pruisen. In februari 1916 he married Anna Paulowna, daughter of Paul I of Russia. They had five children.
Nederlandse koning van 1840 tot 1849. He werd geboren in Den Haag als Willem Frederik George Lodewijk, prins van Oranje-Nassau, als zoon van de latere koning Willem I en van Wilhelmina van Pruisen. In februari 1916 trad hij in het huwelijk met Anna Paulowna, dochter van Paul I van Rusland. Uit dit huwelijk werden vijf kinderen geboren.
King Willem/William II
Jeroen Willems
(15 October 1962 - 3 December 2012)
Dutch actor and stage director, born in Heerlen. Willems studied at the School for dramatic art in Maastricht and graduated in 1987. In 2004 he received the theatre award Louis D'Or.
Nederlandse akteur en toneelregisseur, geboren in Heerlen. Willems heeft de Toneelschool in Maastricht gedaan en studeerde in 1987 af. In 2004 ontving hij de toneelprijs Louis D'Or.
Theatre (actor): Vrouw van de Zee (1987), Boeren Sterven (1988), Mystiek Lichaam (1992), Leonce en Lena (1994), Lulu (1994-1996), Twee Stemmen (1997), De Perzen (1998), Vroeger (1999, as Deeley), La Musica Twee (2004), Brel, de zoete oorlog (2004), Val van de goden (2004), Deux voix (2004), Brel 2 (2006), Quartett (2008), La Commedia (New York, 2010), Ludwig II (2011)
Theatre (director): Wolf en Deken, Vroeger (1999)
TV: Bij Nader Inzien, Wij Alexander, Zaanse Nachten, Spangen (1999, guest appearance, as Ferry), Bij ons in de Jordaan (2000, as Wim Sonneveld), Stellenbosch (2007), De Troon (2010), Lijn 32 (2012)
Films: Bekentenissen (1993), Nynke (2001), Sale (2003), De Passievrucht (2003), Ocean's Twelve (2004), Gebroken rood (2004), Gezocht: man (2004), Leef! (2005), Zomerhitte (2008), Nacht ohne Morgen (2011), Lena (2011)
Jeroen Willems
David Williams
(22 February 1959)
American singer, born in Las Vegas, Nevada, as David Blayne Williams. Together with his identical twin brother Andy (Andrew) he became quite popular in the USA after appearing in an episode of the Partridge Family. They were nephews of singer Andy Williams (Moon river).
Amerikaanse zanger, geboren in Las Vegas, Nevada, als David Blayne Williams. Samen met zijn identieke tweelingbroer Andy (Andrew) kreeg hij bekendheid in de Verenigde Staten nadat ze een rol in een aflevering van de Partridge Family hadden gespeeld. Ze waren de neven van zanger Andy Williams (Moon river).
TV: Partridge Family (episode 88: Two for the show)
Albums: Meet Andy and David Williams (1973), One more time (1973, Two Stories (1987), The Williams Brothers (1991), Harmony Hotel (1993), The Williams Brothers: Andy & David (2002)
With brother Andy in the 70's
David now
Kenneth Williams
(2 February 1926 - 15 April 1988)
British actor, comedian and writer. He was born in Islington, London as Kenneth Charles Williams.
Britse akteur, comedian en schrijver. Hij is geboren in Islington, Londen als Kenneth Charles Williams.
Theatre: Peter Pan (1952), Share my Lettuce (1957), Pieces of Eight (1959),
One over the Eight (1961), Loot (1965)
TV: The Wonderful Visit (1952), Misalliance (1954), Cold Comfort Farm (1956),
The man who could work miracles (1956), Catch as Catch can (1964)
Films: Trent's Last Case (1952), The Beggar's Opera (1952), The Seekers (1954), Moby Dick (1956), Carry on Sergeant (1958), Carry on Nurse (1959), Carry on Teacher (1959), Carry on Constable (1960), Make mine mink (1960), Carry on Regardless (1961), His and hers (1961), Carry on Cruising (1962), Carry on Jack (1963), Carry on Cleo (1964), Carry on Spying (1964), Carry on Cowboy (1965), Carry on ....don't loose your head (1966), Carry on screaming (1966), Carry on Doctor (1967), Carry on ....follow
that Camel (1967), Carry on .... up the Khyber (1968), Carry on again doctor (1969),
Carry on Camping (1969), Carry on Loving (1970), Carry on at your convenience (1971),
Carry on Henry (1971), Carry on abroad (1972), Carry on Matron (1972), Carry on Dick
(1974), Carry on behind (1975), Carry on Emmanuele (1978), That's carry on (1978), The
hound of the Baskervilles (1978)
Kenneth Williams
Liston Williams
Australian actor, born in New Zealand. He moved to Melbourne, Australia, at the age of 16. He studied musical theatre at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts. Williams is the "life"-expert on the Australian version of "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy".
Austalische akteur, geboren in New Zealand. Hij verhuisde op 16-jarige leeftijd naar Melbourne, Australie. Hij studeerde musical theatre aan de Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts. Williams is de expert op het gebied van gedrag in de Australische versie van "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy".
Theatre: Cats (Germany)
Tennessee Williams
(26 March 1911 - 25 February 1983)
American playwright, born in Columbus, Mississippi as Thomas Lanier Williams. When his plays were made into movies, most gay themes were deleted by censorship.
Amerikaans toneelschrijver, geboren in Columbus, Mississippi als Thomas Lanier Williams. Toen zijn toneelstukken verfilmd werden, werden veel homoseksuele thema's door de censuur verwijderd.
Plays: The Glass Menagerie (1944), You Touched Me (1945, with Donald Windham), A streetcar named Desire (1947), Summer and smoke, Camino real (1953), The Rose Tattoo (1951), Cat on a hot tin roof (1955), Orpheus descending (1957), Not about nightingales (1957), Sweet bird of youth (1959), Suddenly last summer (1959), Night of the Iguana (1961), The milk train doesn't stop here anymore (1963), Outcry (1973), Vieux Carré (1977), A lovely summer for Creve Coeur (1979), Something cloudy something clear (1981)
Films from his plays: A Streetcar Named Desire (1951, with Vivien Leigh ,Marlon Brando, Karl Malden and Kim Hunter), Cat On A Hot Tin Roof (1958, with Liz Taylor, Paul Newman and Burl Ives), Suddenly, last summer (1959, with Liz Taylor, Montgomery Clift and Katherine Hepburn), Night of the Iguana (1964, with Richard Burton, Ava Gardner and Deborah Kerr)
Tennessee Williams
Brian Williamson
(4 September 1945 - 9 June 2004)
Jamaican gay activist and founder of JFLAG (Jamaican Forum for Lesbians, All-sexuals and gays). He was murdered in 2004.
Jamaicaanse homo activist en oprichter van JFLAG (Jamaican Forum for Lesbians, All-sexuals and gays). Hij is in 2004 vermoord.
Brian Williamson
Kevin Williamson
(14 March 1965)
American TV and film writer, born in New Bern, North Carolina. He studied theater and film at East Carolina University.
Amerikaanse schrijver voor TV en film, geboren in New Bern, North Carolina. Hij studeerde theater en film aan East Carolina University.
TV: Dawson's creek
Film: Scream, Scream 2, I know what you did last summer, Teaching Mrs. Tingle, The Faculty, Scream 3
Kevin Williamson
Hans van Willigenburg
(18 August 1942)
Dutch radio en TV-host, born in Amsterdam.
Nederlandse radio- en TV-presentator, geboren in Amsterdam.
Radio: In Antwoord Op Uw Schrijven, Muziek A Gogo, Van Twaalf Tot Twee, Adres onbekend, Op de eerste rang, De hulplijn (2001-, Radio Noord Holland)
TV: De KRO Komt In...., Films En Fans, Zondagavond Met Van Willigenburg, Klassewerk, Rondje theater (KRO, 1975-), Vrijdagavond met Van Willigenburg, Koffietijd! (1990 - april 2001), Uit! (RTL-4, 2000-2001), Musical Awards Gala (2003)
Theatre: Follies On Broadway, Hollywood Follies, Stepping Out
Hans van Willigenburg
Andrew Wilson
British journalist and writer, born in Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire.
Britse journalist en schrijver, geboren in Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire.
Books: Beautiful Shadow: A Life of Patricia Highsmith (2003), The Lying Tongue/De Biograaf (2006/2007), Harold Robbins: the Man Who Invented Sex (2007)
Andrew Wilson
Sir Angus Wilson
(13 August 1913 - 31 May 1991)
British writer, journalist and playwright, born in Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, as Angus Frank Johnstone-Wilson.
Britse schrijver, journalist en toneelschrijver, geboren in Bexhill-on-Sea in East Sussex als Angus Frank Johnstone-Wilson.
Books: The Wrong Set and Other Stories (1949), Such Darling Dodos (1950), Emile Zola (1952), Hemlock and after (1952), For whom the cloche tolls (1953), Anglo-Saxon Attitudes (1956), A bit off the map (1957), The middle age of Mrs. Elliot (1958), After the show (1959), The stranger (1960), The old men at the zoo (1961), Wild garden (1963), The invasion (1963), Late call (1965), No laughing matter (1967), The world of Charles Dickens (1970), As if by magic (1973), The naughty nineties (1976), Setting the world on fire (1980)
Plays: The Mulberry Bush (1955)
Angus Wilson
Doric Wilson
(24 February 1939)
American playwright and critic, born in Los Angeles.
Amerikaanse toneelschrijver en criticus, geboren in Los Angeles.
Plays: And he made a her (1961), Now she dances (1961), Babel, Babel, Little
Tower, Pretty People, The West Street Gang (1977), Forever After (1980), Street Theater
(outside USA: Stonewall 69) (1980), A perfect relationship (1983)
Richard Wilson
(9 July 1936)
British actor and theatre director, born in Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland as Ian Carmichael Wilson.
Britse acteur en theaterregisseur, geboren in Greenock, Renfrewshire, Schotland als Ian Carmichael Wilson.
TV: One Foot In The Grave (1990-2000), Merlin (2008-2012)
Film: Those Glory Glory Days (1983), A Passage To India (1984), Foreign Body (1986), Prick Up Your Ears (1987), Carry On Columbus (1992), The Man Who Knew Too Little (1997), Love and Other Disasters (2006), Gnomeo & Juliet (2011), Sherlock Gnomes (2018)
Theatre: Twelfth Night, Peter Pan, Waiting For Godot, Uncle Vanya
Biography: One Foot on the Stage: The Biography of Richard Wilson
Richard Wilson
Donald Windham
(2 July 1920 - 31 May 2010)
American writer and playwright, born in Atlanta, Georgia.
Amerikaanse schrijver en toneelschrijver, geboren in Atlanta, Georgia.
Books: Dogstar (1950), The Hero Continues (1960), Two People (1965), Tanaquil (1972)
Play: You Touched Me (1942, with Tennessee Williams)
Donald Windham
Robin Windsor
(15 September 1979)
British professional dancer, born in Ipswich, Suffolk.
Britse professionele danser, geboren in Ipswich, Suffolk.
TV: Strictly Come Dancing (2010 -)
Theatre: Burn The Floor (2003 - 2010)
Robin Windsor
Paul Winfield
(22 May 1941 - 7 March 2004)
American actor, born in Los Angeles, California, as Paul Edward Winfield. He studied at Manual Arts High School and the University of Portland.
Amerikaanse akteur, geboren in Los Angeles, Californië als Paul Edward Winfield. Hij studeerde aan Manual Arts High School en de University of Portland.
TV: Julia (1968-1970), King (1978), Roots: The Next Generations (1979), L.A. Law (1990), Touched by an Angel (1998-2003)
Films: The Lost Man (1969), R.P.M. (1970), Brother John (1971), Sounder (1972), Trouble Man (1972), Gordon's War (1973), Conrack (1974), Huckleberry Finn (1974), Hustle (1975), High Velocity (1976), Twilight's Last Gleaming (1977), The Greatest (1977), Damnation Alley (1977), A Hero Ain't Nothin' But a Sandwich (1978), Carbon Copy (1981), Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan (1982), White Dog (1982), On the Run (1983), Mike's Murder (1984), The Terminator (1984), Blue City (1986), Death Before Dishonor (1987), Big Shots (1987), The Serpent and the Rainbow (1988), Presumed Innocent (1990), At the River I Stand (1993), Cliffhanger (1993), Dennis the Menace (1993), The Killing Jar (1994), Im Sog des Bösen (1995), In the Kingdom of the Blind, the Man with One Eye Is King (1995), Dead of Night (1996), Original Gangstas (1996), Mars Attacks! (1996), Strategic Command (1997), Relax... It's Just Sex (1998), Assignment Berlin (1998), Frank in Five (1999), Catfish in Black Bean Sauce (1999), Knockout (2000), Vegas, City of Dreams (2001), Second to Die (2002)
Paul Winfield
Jeanette Winterson
(27 August 1959)
British writer, born in Manchester. Her book 'Oranges are not the only fruit' was made into a TV series by the BBC.
Britse schrijfster, geboren in Manchester. Haar boek 'Sinaasappelen zijn niet de enige vruchten' is verfilmd door de BBC als TV-serie 'Sinaasappelen en demonen'.
Books: Oranges are not the only fruit/Sinaasappelen zijn niet de enige vruchten (1985), Boating for beginner (1985), Fit for the future; The guide for women who want to live well (1986), The passion (1987), Sexing the cherry/Kersen sexen (1989/1990), Written on the body/Op het lichaam geschreven (1992/1993), Art and lies/Kunst en leugens (1994), Art objects/Kunstobjecten (1995/1996), Cut symmetries (1997), The world and other places/De wereld en andere plaatsen (1998), The powerbook/Het Powerbook (2000), The Stone Gods/De Stenen Goden (2007)
Jeanette Winterson
Dale Winton
(22 May 1955 - 18 April 2018)
British DJ and TV-host and former DJ, born in Nottingham as Dale Jonathan Winton. Dale was the son of actress Sheree Winton.
Engelse DJ en TV-presentator en voormalig DJ, geboren in Nottingham als Dale Jonathan Winton. Dale was de zoon van actrice Sheree Winton.
Radio: Pick of the Pops (2000-2004)
TV: Pet Watch (1986), Supermarket Sweep (1993), Pets Win Prizes, The Other Half, National Lottery draw, Dale's All Stars (2000), This Is Your Life (2000), In It To Win It (2003), Celebrity Fit Club (2004-2006), Show Me What You've Got (2006), Hole In The Wall (2008), Dale Winton's Florida Fly Drive (2018)
Film: Trainspotting (1996)
Biography: My Story (2002)
Dale Winton
Mario Wirz
(3 December 1956)
German actor, director and writer, born in Marburg an der Lahn.
Duitse akteur, regisseur en schrijver, geboren in Marburg an der Lahn.
Books: Ich rufe die Wölfe (1993), Biographie eines lebendigen Tages (1994), Das Herz dieser Stunde (1997), Umarmungen am Ende der Nacht (1999), Sieben Leben hat die Woche (2003)
Mario Wirz
Ben Wishaw
(14 October 1980)
British actor, born in Clifton, Bedfordshire as Benjamin John Whishaw.
Brits acteur, geboren in Clifton, Bedfordshire als Benjamin John Whishaw.
TV: London Spy (2015), Queers (2017)
Films: Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006), I'm Not There (2007), Brideshead Revisited (2008), Bright Star (2009), The Tempest (2010), Skyfall (2012), Cloud Atlas (2012), Paddington (voice, 2014), The Danish Girl (2015), Spectre (2015), A Hologram for the King (2016), Paddington 2 (2017)
Theatre: His Dark Materials (2003), Hamlet (2004), Mercury Fur (2005), The Seagull (2006), Leaves of Glass (2007), ... Some Trace of Her (2008), Cock (2009), The Pride (2010), Peter and Alice (2013), Mojo (2013)
Ben Wishaw
Diederik Wismeijer
Dutch local politician for the VVD in Bergen.
Nederlandse lokale politicus voor de VVD in Bergen.
Jan de Wit
(20 July 1958)
Dutch local politician for D66 in Arnhem, born in Renkum.
Nederlandse lokale politicus voor D66 in Arnhem, geboren in Renkum.
Jan de Wit
Michal Witkowski
(17 January 1975)
Polish writer, born in Wroclaw.
Poolse schrijver, geboren in Wroclaw.
Books: Copyright (2001), Lubiewo (2005), Fototapeta (2006), Margot (2009)
Michal Witkowski
Monique Wittig
(13 July 1935 - 3 January 2003)
French feminist and writer, born in Alsace. She moved to the USA in 1977. She died in Tucson, Arizona, where she taught at the University of Arizona.
Franse feministe en schrijfster, geboren in Alsace. Ze emigreerde naar de Verenigde Staten in 1977. Ze overleed in Tucson, Arizona, waar ze les gaf aan de University of Arizona.
Books: Lopoponax (1964), Les Guerilleres (1969), Le Corps Lesbien / The lesbian body
Monique Wittig
Scott Wittman
American theatre director, lyricist and writer. He often works together with his partner Marc Shaiman.
Amerikaanse theaterregisseur, tekstschrijver en schrijver. Hij werkt vaak samen met zijn partner Marc Shaiman.
Theatre: The white devil (1980), Patti LuPone on Broadway (1995), The G-String Murders, Trilogy of Terror, Livin' Dolls, Broadway '68, Matters of the heart (2000), Hairspray (2002), Lady with a torch (2004)
Films: Down With Love (2003, actor), Hairspray (2007, actor)
Wittman (right) with partner Marc Shaiman
Miljuschka Witzenhausen
(10 July 1985)
Dutch bisexual VJ.
Nederlandse biseksuele VJ.
TV: Mobile Charts (2005, TMF), Play (2005, TMF)
Miljuschka Witzenhausen
Jaap (J.W.J.) Wolf
Dutch politician and mayor of the city of Bleiswijk.
Nederlandse politicus en burgemeester van Bleiswijk.
Jaap Wolf
Patrick Wolf
(30 June 1983)
British singer and songwriter, born as Patrick Denis Apps in South London.
Britse zanger en liedjesschrijver, geboren als Patrick Denis Apps in South London.
Albums: Lycanthropy (2003), Wind In The Wires (2005), The Magic Position (2007), The Bachelor (2009), The Conqueror (2010)
Patrick Wolf
Elsie de Wolfe
(20 December 1865 - 12 July 1950)
American actress and interior decorator. She was born in New York City as Elsa Anderson de Wolfe. She retired from the stage in 1905. In march 1926 she married Sir Charles Mendl, a British diplomat in France.
Amerikaanse actrice en binnenhuisarchitecte. Ze is geboren in New York City als
Elsa Anderson de Wolfe. In 1905 nam ze afscheid van het toneel. Ze trouwde in maart 1926
met Sir Charles Mendl, een Britse diplomaat in Frankrijk.
Plays: Thermidor (1891), The way of the world (1901)
Autobiography: After all (1935)
Elsie de Wolfe
Betje Wolff
(24 July 1738 - 5 November 1804)
Dutch writer, born in Vlissingen as Elisabeth Bekker. In 1759 she married reverend Adriaan Wolff. After he died in 1777 she went to live together with Aagje Deken.
Nederlandse schrijfster, geboren in Vlissingen als Elisabeth Bekker. In 1759 trouwde ze met dominee Adriaan Wolff. Na zijn dood in 1777 ging ze samenleven met Aagje Deken.
Books: De menuet en de domineespruik (1772), Historie van mejuffrouw Sarah Burgerhart (1782), Historie van den heer Willem Leevend (1784-1785), Brieven van Abraham Blankaart (1787-1789), Historie van mejuffrouw Cornelia Wildschut (1793-1796), Geschrift Eener Bejaarde Vrouw
Betje Wolff
Merlijn Wolsink
(24 August 1984)
Dutch dancer, model and singer.
Nederlandse danser, model en zanger.
Theatre: Fortuna's Wedding (2002), Fortuna's Family (2003), De Verjaardag van de Infanta (2005), Cats (2006)
B.D. Wong
(24 October 1962)
American actor, born as Bradley Darryl Wong in San Francisco, California. He and his partner Richie Jackson became the parents of identical twins Jackson Foo and Boaz Dov Wong with the help of Jackson sister as surrogate mother. They were born three months premature on may 28, 2000 and Boaz lived only an hour and a half. Jackson and Wong split up in 2004.
Amerikaanse akteur, geboren als Bradley Darryl Wong in San Francisco, Californië. Hij en zijn partner Richie Jackson werden met behulp van Jackson's zus als draagmoeder ouders van de identieke tweeling Jackson Foo en Boaz Dov Wong. Ze werden drie maanden te vroeg geboren op 28 mei 2000 en Boaz heeft slecht anderhalf uur geleefd. Jackson en Wong gingen in 2004 uit elkaar.
Theatre: Androcles and the Lion (1982), M. Butterfly (1988), The tempest (1989), Herringbone (1992), Face value (1993), A Language of Their Own (1995), As thousands cheer (1998), You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown (1999), Shanghai Moon (2003)
TV: All American girl (1994-1995), Law & Order (1999), Oz
Films: The Karate Kid 2 (1986), Family business (1989), The freshman (1990), Mystery date (1991), Father of the bride (1991), Jurassic Park (1993), And The Band Played On (1993), Father of the bride 2 (1995), Joe's Apartment (1996), Seven years in Tibet (1997), Mulan (1998, voice of Captain Li Shang), The Salton Sea (2002), Mulan II (2004, voice of Captain Li Shang)
Book: Following Foo: The Electronic Adventures of the Chestnut Man (2003)
B.D. Wong
Brendan Wong
Australian interior designer. He is the interior expert on the Australian version of "Queer eye for the straight guy".
Australische interieurontwerper. Hij is de expert op het gebied van interieur in de Australische versie van "Queer eye for the straight guy".
Alexander Wood
(January 1772- 11 September 1844)
Canadian merchant and magistrate, born in Scotland. He moved to Canada in 1793. The city of Toronto has a statue of Wood on the corner of Church and Alexander Street.
Canadese koopman en rechter, geboren in Schotland. Hij verhuisde in 1793 naar Canada. In de stad Toronto staat een beeld van Wood op de hoek van Church en Alaxander Street.
Part of the Toronto statue
Christopher Wood
(7 April 1901 - 31 August 1930)
British painter. Christopher "Kit" Wood briefly studied architecture at Liverpool University but went to Paris to study painting at the Academie Julian and at the Grande Chaumiere.
Britse schilder. Christopher "Kit" Wood studeerde korte tijd architectuur aan Liverpool University maar ging later naar Parijs om schilderkunst te studeren aan de Academie Julian en aan de Grande Chaumiere.
Jacqueline Woodson
(12 February 1964)
American writer, born in Columbus, Ohio, but raised in Greenville, South Carolina and Brooklyn, New York.
Amerikaanse schrijfster, geboren in Columbus, Ohio, maar opgegroeid in Greenville, South Carolina en Brooklyn, New York.
Books:Maizon at Blue Hill (1992), I hadn't meant to tell you this (1994), Autobiography of a family photo: a novel (1995), From the notebooks of Melanin Sun (1995), We had a picnic on Sunday past (1997), If you come softly (1998), Lena (1999), Sweet, sweet memory (2000), Miracle boys (2000), The other side (2001), Hush (2002)
Jacqueline Woodson
Cathy Woolard
American council member of Atlantic City.
Amerikaanse lid van de gemeenteraad in Atlantic City.
Cathy Woolard
Virginia Woolf
(25 January 1882 - 28 March 1941)
British writer, born as Adeline Virginia Stephens in London. Though she sexually
preferred women to men, she was married to Leonard Woolf on August 10, 1912. Virginia
was a member of the Bloomsbury group, which also included other homosexuals like painter
Duncan Grant and economist John Maynard Keynes. In 1941 she drowned herself in the
river Ouse.
Engelse schrijfster, geboren als Adeline Virginia Stephens in Londen. Ondanks dat
ze een seksuele voorkeur voor vrouwen had trouwde ze op 10 augustus 1912 met Leonard
Woolf. Virginia was lid van de Bloomsbury groep, waar ook andere homoseksuelen als
de schilder Duncan Grant en economist John Maynard Keynes deel van uitmaakten. In 1941
pleegde ze zelfmoord door zich te verdrinken in de rivier Ouse.
Books: The Voyage (1915), Two stories (1917), Night and day (1919), Monday or
tuesday (1921), Jacob's room (1922), Mrs. Dalloway (1925), To the lighthouse (1927),
Orlando, a biography (1928), A room for one's own (1929), The waves (1931), Flush,
a biography (1933), Freshwater (1935), The Years (1937), Three guineas (1938), Roger
Fry, a biography (1940), Between the acts (1941)
Virginia Woolf
Monty Woolley
(17 August 1888 - 6 May 1963)
American actor and director, born as Edgar Montillion Wooley in New York City.
Amerikaans akteur en regisseur, geboren als Edgar Montillion Wooley in New York City.
Theatre: The man who came to dinner
Films (acting): The man who came to dinner (1942), Molly and me (1945), Night and day (1946), The Bishop's wife (1947), Miss Tatlock's Millions (1948), As young as you feel (1951), Kismet (1955)
The Working Girls
Duo that performs in drag; see Mark Rijsdijk and Paul van der Wal.
Duo dat in travestie optreedt; zie Mark Rijsdijk en Paul van der Wal.
Hans van der Woude
(16 August 1950)
Dutch singer, actor and lyricist, born in Groningen as Johan Jozef van der Woude. He studied at the Academy for Cabaret in Amsterdam. Hans was partner to lyricist Friso Wiegersma (1925-2006), whom he married on July 31, 2001.
Nederlandse zanger, akteur en tekstschrijver, geboren in Groningen als Johan Jozef van der Woude. Hij studeerde aan de Academie voor Kleinkunst in Amsterdam. Hans was de partner van tekstschrijver Friso Wiegersma (1925-2006), met wie hij op 31 juli 2001 trouwde.
Theatre: Blauwe maandag, Geen zee te hoog, Volg jij de serie? (1980-1981), En dat is negen (1991, with Purper), Purper Gala (1993), Purper Tien
Musicals: Promises Promises (1971, under the name Marc Nikolai), De Dader Heeft Het Gedaan (1983), Ping Ping (1985), Mimi Crimi (1986), My Generation (1988)
Films: Op de Hollandse toer (1973), Rooie Sien (1974)
TV: Het Wilhelmina (1974-1975), De avonturen van Pa Pinkelman en Tante Pollewop (1976-1977), Willem van Oranje
Hans van der Woude
Klaus Wowereit
(1 October 1953)
German lawyer and politician for the Social Democrats (SPD), born in Berlin.
Since june 2001 he's mayor of Berlin.
Duitse advocaat en politicus bij de Sociaal Democraten (SPD), geboren in Berlijn.
Sinds juni 2001 is hij burgemeester van Berlijn.
Klaus Wowereit
Doug Wright
American playwright, director and scriptwriter, born in Dallas, Texas.
Amerikaanse toneelschrijver, regisseur en scenarioschrijver, geboren in Dallas, Texas.
Plays: The Stonewater rapture, Interrogating the Nude, Watbanaland, Buzzsaw Berkeley, Unwrap Your Candy, Quills, I am my own wife (2003), Not Suitable For Children
Films: Quills (2000)
Doug Wright
Pete Wu
Dutch journalist and writer of Chinese origin.
Nederlandse journalist en schrijver van Chinese afkomst.
Conchita Wurst
See 'Thomas Neuwirth'.
Ireen Wüst
(1 April 1986)
Dutch ice skater born in Goirle as Irene Karlijn Wüst.
Nederlandse schaatster, geboren in Goirle als Irene Karlijn Wüst.
Ireen Wüst
I.A.R. Wylie
(16 March 1885 - 4 November 1959)
Australian writer and poet, born in Melbourne as Ida Alexa Ross Wylie. Her autobiography 'My Life With George' is about her relationship with American doctor Sara Josephine Baker. Several films were based on her books or stories, like 'The Foreign Legion' (1928) was based on 'The Red Mirage', the 1942 film 'Keeper of the flame' with Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy was based on the book with the same name and 'Torch Song' from 1953 with Joan Crawford was based on the story 'Why should I cry'.
Australische schrijfster en dichter, geboren in Melbourne als Ida Alexa Ross Wylie. Haar autobiografie "My Life With George' gaat over haar relatie met de Amerikaanse dokter Sara Josephine Baker. Er zijn verschillende films die gebaseerd op haar boeken of verhalen, zoals 'The Foreign Legion' uit 1928 dat was gebaseerd op 'The Red Mirage', de film uit 1942 'Keeper of the flame' met Katherine Hepburn en Spencer Tracy was gebaseerd op het boek met de zelfde naam en 'Torch Song' uit 1953 met Joan Crawford is een verfilming van haar verhaal 'Why should I cry'.
Books: Dividing Waters (1911), My German Year (1910), Rambles in the Black Forest (1911), The Red Mirage (1913), The Paupers of Portman Square (1913), Five Years to Find Out (1914), Eight Years in Germany (1914), Tristram Sahib (1915), The Temple of Dawn (1915), Happy Endings (1915), The Hermit Doctor of Gaya (1916), Armchair Stories (1916), The Duchess in Pursit (1917), Towards Morning (1918), The Shining Heights (1918), All Sorts (1919), Holy Fire: And Other Stories (1920), Children of Storm (1920), Brodie and the Deep Sea (1920), Rogues & Company (1921), The Dark House (1922), "Jungle Law" (1923), Side Shows (1923), Ancient Fires (1924), Black Harvest (1926), The Mad Busman, and Other Stories (1926), The Silver Virgin (1929), Some Other Beauty (1930), The Things We Do, and Other Stories (1932), Prelude to Richard (1934), "To The Vanquished" (1934), A Feather In Her Hat (1934), The Novels of Elinor Wylie (1934), The Inheritors, and, With Their Eyes Open (1936), Furious Young Man (1936), "The Underpup" (1938), The Young in Heart (1938), My Life With George (1940), Candles for Therese (1951), The Undefeated (1957), Home are the Hunted (1959), Claire Serrat (1959)